Emergency Room

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After a few hours of being asleep I wake up to intense cramps in my stomach and lower back. I know it can't be my period since I don't get that anymore for now. I sit up and hold my stomach trying not to wake up a peaceful looking Scooter. The pain gets more and more intense eventually to the point where I can't handle it. I lean over Scooter and turn on the light to see a puddle of blood underneath me. I start to cry, scared of whats happening.
"Scooter, Scooter baby wake up." I say shaking my boyfriend. After a couple shakes his eyes flutter open and immediately look down to the blood beneath me.
"Oh my god, baby are you ok?" He asks sitting up quickly.
"No, it hurts!" I cry out. Now the tears are streaming down my face and the pain in getting more and more unbearable.
"Ok, come on let's go get your mom." Scooter says lifting me up, not caring that he's probably getting blood on his clothes. We reach my mom's room and Scooter knocks on the door, but there's no answer. I turn and handle and open it revealing an empty bed and a note sitting in the middle of it.
             There was a work emergency, had to leave but I'll be back around dinner time:)
Love you, -Mom

"No no ,no!" I scream as I rip the letter and throw it on the floor. "Ahh!" The cramps tighten up again.
"Ok ok, come on we need to get you to the hospital." Scooter says bringing me back to my room. He opens my drawer and takes out a pair of clean underwear and sweatpants.
"Where are your pads?" He asks.
"Bathroom." I manage to get out. He quickly runs to the bathroom and gets me a pad. He puts it in the underwear, with much struggle, then changes me and brings me out to his car. I sit in the passenger seat in excruciating pain, wailing. I feels like someone just stabbed me in the gut and wiggled the knife around a bit before taking it out then hit me with a crow bar.
"It's ok babe, were almost there." Scooter says putting his hand on mine as he speeds down the road to the hospital.
We finally get there and rush inside. There are a few people in the waiting room, some with kids, some without. We go to the desk where a pretty woman. Was sitting on her computer biting on her lip.
"Excuse me ma'am, my girlfriend is...well I honestly don't know what's going on she just woke up with horrible cramps and shes bleeding everywhere." Scooter explains out of breath from basically sprinting inside.
"Ok, and is she on her period?" The nurse asks as she begins to type quickly on her computer.
"No- no I can't be I'm- pregnant." I manage to get out. The nurse nods and quickly walks around the desk. She says something into her walkie talkie thing and suddenly a bunch of other nurses come rushing in out of nowhere. One sits me down in a wheelchair and rushes me to a room where they then hoist me up into the bed.
"Scooter, where's Scooter." I say crying more than I have all night.
"Please, just try and stay calm ma'am." The dark skinned lady with red lipstick says.
"Sweety, what's your name?" Another blonde haired nurse asks, injecting something in my left arm.
"Scooter, I need to....Scooter." is all I can say before passing out.

However many hours later I wake up and see Scooter sitting shaking his leg nervously in the chair next to me. His eyes are red a puffy like he'd been crying.
"Scooter?" I say opening my eyes all the way.
"Alaska, oh my god youre ok!" He says hugging me and covering my face in kisses. I give a weak smile in return.
"Scooter, what's going on?" I ask quietly. He hesitates and looks down. He mumbles something inaudible.
"What?" I ask.
"Alaska...it's not in there anymore." He says gently grabbing my hand in his.
"What? What are you talking about?" I ask confused.
"The baby, it's gone." Scooter says, the tears forming in his eyes again.
My heart sinks at these words.
I just had a miscarriage.
I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Tears brim my eyes and threaten to fall. Scooter wraps he in a tight hug and we both cry in each others arms. After a minute a doctor appears at the door.
"May I come in?" He asks. I nod and Scooter sits back down.
"So I'm assuming you know?" The doctor starts. I nod and wipe the treats off of my face.
"I am so sorry for your loss miss Montoya." He says. I nod, not able so say anything.
"Well, we've contacted your mother and she says she's is on her way here now."
Shit. This isn't how I wanted my mom to find out about my pregnancy.
The doctor asks a few more questions and tells me how far along I was and tell me and Scooter about miscarriages. I start crying again.
My mom finally gets here and I immediately try to apologize for not telling her about it sooner. The rest of the night is pretty blurry but I remember my mom saying it's ok and she's not mad. The doctor said something about needing immediate surgery and how they have to get the baby out now because of the heavy bleeding I think. They gave me another shot and the next thing I know, I'm in ny hospital bed again with Scooter in the chair next to me sleeping peacefully. I have an IV in my arm and my stomach hurts, but not in a normal kind of way, it hurts more on the outside.
My mom walks in the room with 3 cups of what looks like orange juice, followed by a nice looking nurse with a tray of food. They set all of it down on the table thing connected to the bed and my mom looks at me with loving eyes.
"Oh baby," she starts. She gives me a kiss on the forehead and sits down next to me as the nurse leaves.
"Mom, what happened?" I ask groggily. I can see the tears on her eyes.
"You...you had a miscarriage last night and they had to do surgery to get it out completely. You're going to be ok but you might have to stay here until tomorrow ok?" My mom explains. I nod slowly, still not completely understanding what's going on. I look over at Scooter who looks like shit laying uncomfortably in the small hospital chair. I smile and giggle lightly at the sight.
My mom laughs too. "He really loves you." My mom says before starting to cut my pancakes for me.
"What?" I ask.
"I said he really loves you, truly. He stayed here the entire night even when I tried to insist that he go home. He said he wanted to be here for you." I smile. These words just confirmed what I was already suspicious of.
I'm in love with Scooter Holland.

I just wanted to adress that I am in no wayteying to be offensive to anyone who has had a miscarriage. I am not trying to sexualize is or anything, I would never to anything like that. I'm sorry if you don't like this but the pregnancy was suggested, and I couldn't figure out how to write the baby into Alaska's life. Again, I am not trying to offend anyone in any way!
Love you all:)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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