The Next Day

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The next morning I wake up still in Scooters arms. I smile at the memory of last night.
Holy shit. I'm not a virgin anymore. I think to myself as I yawn. I look at the clock and start to panic.
"Shit, Scooter it's almost nine!" I say pulling away from Scooter. He doesn't move so I begin to shake him a little harder than intended.
"Whaaaat?" He whines rubbing his eyes. He's so fucking cute.
"Dude, were late for school!" I say ripping the blanket off of me.
"I railed you and you rode me last night. Don't ever fucking call me "dude" again." Scooter says in a raspy voice. I just roll me eyes getting up. Or at least I try to get up. I guess I forgot that I got railed the fuck out of last night, and that I fell asleep completely naked because the second I stand up I fall forward, shocked that I have no clothes on.
"Shit!" I yell as I hit the floor. Scooter laughs sitting up.
"Nice ass babe" he says grabbing me by my waist. He picks me up and lays me back down on his bed with him, his dick poking my side. I get butterflies and probably turn red.
"We're not going to class today. I'm tired and you can't walk so there's so point." He holds me closer, putting his right hand right above my ass and his left on the back of my head.
"Yeah I guess you're right, but what am I gonna tell Connie and Julie? They're gonna bug the hell out of me until I give them a believable answer."
"You told them you were with Jenny right?" He asks calmly.
"Ok, then tell them there was a change of plans and you ended up staying with Adam or something." He suggests.
"They're not gonna believe me and they'll ask Adam before I get to."
He sighs and gets up slowly getting his clothes on.
"What are you doing?" I ask sitting up.
"Going to get Adam to cover for you." He says.
"Noo, no no Adam is gonna get pressured into telling the girls. They can be very scary when they want to be." I say attempting again to stand up. This time before I could fall scooter puts his arm around my waist.
"Babe, just go back to sleep. I'll take care of this ok?" I huff and roll my eyes but agree. He lays be back down and Hands me my clothes when I ask for them.
"Now don't go anywhere ok, I'll be back."
I nod. He shoots me a smile before shutting the door and leaving me alone in his dorm.

-30 minutes later-
I'm just starting to doze off when Scooter bursts into the room. He looks happier than usual I notice as he takes his jacket off and jumps on me.
"Guess what." He says very close to my face.
"What?" I ask curious.
"We don't have to go to school today, or practice." He beems looking proud of himself.
"Really?! How?" I ask now sitting up again.
"I told all your teachers and coach you're on your period and have intense cramps and that I promised to take care of you so they let me go."
"Holy shit, really? I can't believe you got away with that." I try to ignore it but I can't. Scooter lied to teachers and out coach just so I didn't have to suffer through school and practice and he's staying with me. This is unusual for me.
"Yeah me neither, but it's awesome right? Now we get to spend the day together. Oh, I also told Connie and Julie what happened and the said they hope you feel better and Julie told me to get a heating pad for you later." He smiles at me. He's so cute. Literally all the time. When he's smiling, laughing, sleeping, literally doing anything. And yes, I realize I sound like a stalker with the whole sleeping thing.
"Scooter?" I say quietly.
"Yes?" He says wrapping his arms around my torso and resting his head on my chest. Well, my tits.
"I just lost my virginity to you and we're not even dating." I state. The truth is, I really like Scooter and I want last night to have meant something to him like it does to me.
"Yeah so?" He replies.
"So, doesn't that bother you a little bit? I mean did it...mean anything to you?" I ask quietly. I'm not sure why but I'm getting embarrassed. He sits up and pulls me with him. He picks me up and sits me on his lap.
"Of course it many something to me, it was my first time too believe it or not." He says laughing a little at the end.
"Really?" I ask generally shocked.
"Wow, you seem really experienced for a virgin." I smirk at him.
"Yeah well, porn willl do that to you." He shrugs. I playfully punch his shoulder.
"Whatever. But seriously, I'm glad my first time was with you. Even if we're not dating." He smiles lightly. I smile back and kiss him nice and slow. This kiss was different from the other ones we've shared. It was more passionate and lasted longer. He pulls away and looks into my eyes.
"Alaska Janie Montoya," he starts. He used my full name, this must be serious.
"Yes?" I ask in almost a whisper.
"Will you please be my girlfriend?"He grabs my hands in his as he says this. I sit there for a minute in shock. Did he really just ask me to be his girlfriend or am I hallucinating?
"I-excuse me?"
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He ass again.
"Yes! Oh my god, Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" I hug him tightly. He hugs me back and lays both of us down. We sit there for a while cuddling one another in comfortable silence. I feel safe with Scooter. comfortable. I've only ever felt this way about one other person, Adam. But when I realized he didn't feel the same way I gave up and didn't pay much attention to boys for a while (At least not in a romantic way) until now. Even though we've never been on a real date, and we started dating like 2 minutes ago I can tell that Scooter's gonna mean a lot to me. I just hope he doesn't do anything to screw it up.

Sorry this chapter is shorter than the other ones, but I'm in the car so I'm doing my best. The next chapter or two should be posted shortly, just care with me.


1-The goonies
2-Toy soldiers (I'm gonna do this one anyway but if this one is chosen I'll do it sooner)
3-Stand by me


Love you hoes say it back🤪

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