I got burnt in the heat of disappointment
I got tainted when the paint of second place was painted all over me
I got wet because of the pool of tears I was swimming in
I got cut trying to fix the broken pieces of my heart
And the blood welled up cackling and became a well full of anger and sorrow
I got dejected when I confessed my love and received slaps of rejection
My imperfections got bitter when they were judged
My tears fell out when I was reminiscing the times I can never get back
My peace abandoned me
Because of the bitterness of my imperfections
My thoughts got angry when you took me
And used me and threw me in the river of sorrows
My happiness turned inauspicious when anger and sadness invaded my heart and mind
My words jumped sour out of my mouth
And my heart turned black
When my love for you was mocked and ridiculed.......