My demons are cowardly
They fear the presence of elation
It taunts them and they become frightened
Sometimes so frustrated
They make me their punching bag
They smile in the presence of my tears
And celebrate in my depression
And ululate in my sorrow
My demons aren't just cowardly of happiness,
But they become haters of love
True love
My demons are deceiving
And treacherous.
They treasure my darkness
And try to chase my happiness away
They pressure me into vague decisions
They give me heartless perceptions of love
And when it's finally time for me to sleep
They taunt me
And haunt my confidence
They hold my happiness hostage
And torment my heart
They fence my mind from positivity
And sets free of my dark bitterness
My demons
Are cowardly.
They fear happiness
They fear reassurence
They fear smiles
And peace.
They hide in the day
When I gather all my friends
And come back when I'm all alone.
My demons are cowardly to elation.