C27: Here Comes the Bride

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Donna came in with the dress, my dress. I won't lie, it was stunning. It was an off shoulder ball gown style. It was more of a crème color and it had gold detailing. As much as it was stunning, it still didn't change the fact that I was going to be with a stranger for the rest of my life. I already had my hair and makeup done and all that was needed was to get into the dress. Donna assisted me since it was a bit tricky to get into. Finally, I was set.

Eugene was making some stupid speech downstairs in the ballroom. I started walking, being escorted by security, down the steps and as soon as the guards saw me they opened the doors. The music started playing and I hesitated to walk but the guards pushed me forward. I slowly walked up to the set podium where the priest and guy were. He wasn't too bad; Dark brown hair, pretty face, black suit with a flowy blouse underneath. He wasn't my type though. The music stopped, which meant it was time.

"Ladies and gentleman, today we are gathered here to celebrate a most spectacular day. Today we will be uniting two beautiful people. Magnolia Stallard and Ethan Lee. Now Magnolia's father has asked this to be quick so we will skip to objections. If anyone has an objection, speak now or forever hold your peace" You know, I kind of expected one of my fellow members to barge through the doors like Johnny or Ten. No one said anything which made my heart sink.

"If there are no objections then we will continue", the priest continued, "Magnolia Stallard, do you take Ethan Lee to be your lawful wedded husband till death do you part?" I wanted to say no but I looked over at Eugene. He looked at me with dead eyes and I was reminded of what he said to me when I was getting my hair done.


"You look alright", he said, touching my hair.

"Sir, don't touch it. I haven't put any hairspray in it yet", said the maid.

He looked at her in disgust and followed with a slap to her face. "I don't remember telling you to speak. Do you?" She nodded no in fear. "That's what I thought. Anyways I know how much you would want to object or run away from the situation but you shouldn't even try. I have everyone invited wrapped around my finger. Soon this will all be over. I didn't want my hard work these past few weeks to go to waste, so I let my little group of friends to pay NCT and all other failed gangs a visit"

"Don't bring them into this", I said.

"You're so dumb. I already have, in fact, I have every gang involved. Once they tear each other apart, they'll also tear their kingdoms up with them. Destruction, violence, it'll all occur. However the Stallard Kingdom will be the oasis in the dark and everyone will come crawling to me, just like that stupid heart kingdom"

I got up and punched him in the gut. "Shut your mouth before I permanently do so" he fell to the floor in pain. He looked up at me and said in a stern voice, "Since when have you been this violent. See, NCT is a bad influence. I'll make sure they're dead by the end of the day". He got up, brushed off his pants and grabbed me by the chin. "Maybe if you're a good girl you'll be able to see them" He let go as tears slowly started falling from my eyes.

Just one more time I want to see them.

End of flashback

"I do" I didn't want to do this but it needed to be done.

"Now, do you Ethan Lee take Magnolia Stallard to be your lawful-"

"I don't" Many gasps came out of the guests, the biggest one coming from my father. Ethan looked at me and shyly whispered"Sorry, but I'm not the real groom. The real groom left last night because he got a Hefty amount of money" He then revealed the NCT hand signs. A breath that I was unintentionally holding in was released. "You are a lifesaver. Thanks"

Both of us were still standing there, not knowing what to do until the priest started to speak.

"Um.......well I guess this means that the wedding is over. We will not be proceeding with the banquet and after party so all guests may now leave. Thank you?"

At that moment I wanted to leave, I mean it was the perfect opportunity, but I had a better idea, one I would never think of doing.

I looked at Eugene and he looked like if one more thing was slightly wrong he would burst. I saw Donna and gave her a nod as she looked at me. Eugene saw me and forcefully grabbed my hand. He took me upstairs and tossed me on the ground in one of the maid's rooms.


"Well it wasn't me who chose to say no, so stop being rude to me!"

"My whole plan is destroyed now. First I'm told that the connection to all the gangs is gone, then I figure out that NCT was at our base, and now this?! My kingdom is going to collapse"

I was happy to hear that NCT was doing stuff without me even knowing to help stop this madness but I still needed to act calm. "You're so annoying! It's not the end of the world. You know I can still be queen as long as we make a compromise"

"A compromise? What are you saying?!"

"I'll be queen and you can let me, NCT, and the rest of the gangs be. In return I won't tell anyone what you just told me right now. I think it's enough to put you in prison. And I'll even take the heart kingdom as well" He looked at me with pure hatred and walked closer to me.

"You think you're so smart and strong. It was a blessing to have you gone. I could have gotten you when Odd eye captured you but you had to run away again"

"You've never loved me in the first place, why are you so pressed?"

"BECAUSE I CAN'T BE KING FOREVER! YOU KNOW THE RULES! After 25 years, we have to pass down our crown, and I can't let a little girl like you run this place. This wedding was supposed to make it so that your husband would get full inheritance and I can easily pressure him into doing what I want!"

Things started to click in my head and I turned around to the shelf behind me. Once I turned around, his face filled with shock. I was holding the gun Donna had prepared for me. I was always curious as to what would happen if my father died. That's what gave me the idea to kill him when I was handcuffed to my bed. I was going to wait until the banquet to 'talk to him' but I guess Ethan made me do it sooner.

"What are you doing?", he asked. What a stupid question.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I kicked him in the shin, making him fall down. I then pointed the gun straight to his skull.

"Do you think I'm stupid or something? You arranged a whole marriage because you didn't want me, your own daughter, to be on the throne? You were willing to pass our heritage and family tree to some stranger and even Kill Me?! YOU DIDN'T TRUST ME AND HATED ME THAT MUCH?! And you put my friends, and thousands of others into danger? You know this is all Your fault. If you were just a good person, none of this would of happened"

"Well it's better than passing it to a careless child who doesn't know bet-"

"I KNOW MORE THAN YOU! I'VE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH BECAUSE OF YOU! Developing PTSD, being kidnapped twice, going through the pain of loosing someone at a young age, all because of you! You have no room to talk"

Silence filled the room for a moment because he didn't know what to say. All that was heard next was the sound of the safety being removed.

"I've learned a lot being with NCT. I learned how to fight, take care of myself, be a critical thinker, and what a family really is"

Eugene started laughing. "Fine, then shoot me, I know you don't have the guts. I mean I am your father"

In return more silence was added until I scoffed, making his sinister smile fade away.

"You really don't know me, do you?"

Note 10: Expect the unexpected

And with that, I pulled the trigger.

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