Chapter 1

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Ant is a tall, lean male, in his early twenties with dark skin and long raven black hair that was pulled into a low ponytail. He had one brick colored eye while the other was a bright green. While growing up, he was bullied constantly for his eyes and for being taller than everyone in his grade. The man took a deep breath before walking into the building, a wide smile crossing his face when he noticed someone he recognized. The guy was shorter than Ant and a stocky build with broad shoulders, but still clearly in shape. He had messy, golden brown hair, and beautiful blue eyes. The two made eye contact and the worker smiled

"Ant?!" He exclaimed "What are you doing here?!"

"I'm working Night shift" Ant chuckled awkwardly at his friend. The worker got out behind the counter, and Ant took a moment to notice his uniform. A white button up, purple tie, black pants, and Name tag, that was upside down, with 'Dan' scribbled across it "are all the uniforms the same...?"

"Don't worry, Ant! Yours is a bit different" Dan suddenly had a evil grin on his face and Ant sighed

"So who's the manager?" Ant asked

"You're looking at him!" Dan said proudly making Ant laugh

"Who in their right mind made you Manger?!" Ant continued to laugh, Dan crossed his arms with a huff

"Anyways, I'm the temporary manager while they wait for a real manager" Dan explained. "Let me show you around!" Dan stared down the hall, in a walk that looked like a skip. Ant sighed with a smile and followed him begrudgingly. "This is the dining/Show Stage Area!" Dan announced and was taken back on how well it looked. The stage was made out of a pale black wood. Ant's multi-colored eyes flickered down the floor that was shiny and smooth. "It was pretty dead so I decided to clean it up a bit!" Dan exclaimed with a wide smile. The paler man then sighed heavily after a loud bang and a long slur of cuss words echoed through the empty establishment. "That would be our engineer: Ronaldo"

Dan narrowed his eyes and Ant looked over at the parts and service. A tan man then walked out of that room clutching his arm tightly, oil streaked his face. Like Ant he had pitch black hair and brick colored eyes, but unlike Ant this man was very skinny and taller than him. Instead of a white button he was wearing a purple one with a black tie. Ant and him made eye contact and He glared at Dan

"Who's this?" He asked, his voice was scratchy and horrible sounding. Ant flinched at his voice

"Ronaldo this is Ant, Ant this is Ronaldo" Dan quickly introduced the two, something about Ronaldo seemed familiar to Ant. something about him made Ant uneasy, but he couldn't connect the dots. Old friend? No. Old co-work? No. Why and how does he recognize him?

"Next time, get a worker who pays attention" Ronaldo's voice snapped him back to reality and Ant looked over to Dan who looked at with concern. Ant rubbed his eyes

"Sorry, I don't usually do that" Ant apologized but Ronaldo scoffed.

"Ronaldo how about you go home for today?" Dan suggested and Ronaldo just rolled his eyes. He walked past the two and towards the doors where Ant entered. Dan looked at the tall ravenette who was staring at the wall, but was not in the building mentally. "Ant?" He put his hand on Ant's shoulder who jumped at the touch "Are you okay?"

"Do you remember your 15th birthday party?" Ant asked abruptly

"Yeah, we were at Fredbears Diner and Will broke Dance Revaluation!" Dan smile widen as he chuckled at the memory but stopped when Ant's gaze became sad

"Remember Billy?" Ant glanced at Dan, hope shining in his eyes

"No" Dan answered truthfully, Ant always asks him that when they talk about Dan's 15th birthday. "You keep promising you'll tell me but you never do"

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