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Sorry this isn't an update my excuse is uhhhhhhhhh I've been busy.

Soo this is more of a going into a more depth of what each character looks like because I failed to mention some stuff about the characters or I haven't gone into a lot of detail about so before I go too much farther into this book. And believe me, I'm going far. Right now I plan on re-writing the series up until season 3

So I'll shut up now and get on with the character designs ig?

Let's start with CavemanFilms also know as Dan

They know who that is

Silence Editor

Anyways, since I helped w/ designs I'll be presenting Dan

Dan is around the height of 5'7 I'd give him some lean way say he's 5'7 and half. He has a stocky build or also know as being broad, wide shoulders, etc. Compared to the other main characters, and the two other major minor characters, he's a very pale. He has freckles that cover his face and his arms. Dan's hair is medium length (aka it's almost comes down to his neck), blonde and curly.  And (as far as the story has gone) Dan's only scar is the one over his eye. And yes he still has the facial hair.

My turn! Next up is AntVenom's design choice that me and my editor decided on

Manly I told them what made sense and what didn't make sense

AntVenom is 6'2 on the dot. He is lean but still has muscle mass. AntVenom has the darkest skin tone compared to the rest of the cast. Ant has long, straight, raven black hair that is mostly in a ponytail. As far the story has gone Ant has a scar on his left cheek bone and a big one on his back. He has a 5 o'clock shadow. The only thing that is abnormal about Ant is his multicolored eyes. Ant's left eyes is a brick red while the right one is a bright green

Let's move on to Ronaldo, shall we?

As you wish, dear editor

You're making not want to edit your stories


However: Ronaldo is 6'6, or at least they think, no one has checked. He is skinny and has little muscle mass, which is weird because he's an engineer for animal robots marketed to kids. Ronaldo looks really tan but my man doesn't get a lot of sun. It's his natural skin pigment. Ronaldo has longish, wavy, black hair that is mostly pulled back into a man bun. Ronaldo has no markings on his skin, no scars, or no facial hair.

Uh... I guess Will is next.

William is AntVenom's younger brother. He has black hair that come down to his neck and bright green eyes. His skin is a little lighter than AntVenom's. Much like Ant, Will has almost exactly the same body build as his brother: Lean, tall, and has a more muscle mass than the rest. William is the third tallest only being 5'11.  Will has bright green eyes and a tiny scar across his mouth that he no record of getting. Will has no other marking other than that scar

Huh, pretty short

Just like me

Ha Midget

This is my editor, Shadow

Hi, I will try my best to make sense of what the author is writing. However for the plot, I'm just as clueless as you guys. The only clue I have gotten was-

Every tiny detail matters in the end!

So, have a good night/day. Until the next chapter which shouldn't be too much longer

~ Shadow,  The Editor 

-The one and Only Rat king-

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