Chapter 2

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   A/N: wooooow imagine doing an A/N at the beginning at the story. Jeez. Couldn't be me
In all seriousness I do apologize for any grammar mistakes. I am currently without an editor and I've been writing this chapter on my free time which has been only been at like 12 AM.

Also I didn't mean to make them super flirtatious with each other. But I don't feel like going back to fix it so deal with it??


    Ant listened to Dan ramble over the phone "Are you sure you don't want me to come in?" Ant asked

'Of course not!' Dan said defensively 'I'm the Manger! I know what I'm doing!'

"You're Rambling. You only do that when you're scared" Ant pointed out

'S-Shut up!' Dan then stopped talking, the sound of the cameras changing was the only sounds
"I didn't say I wanted you to stop. You talking is the only thing keeping me awake right now." Ant told him and it wasn't a lie. Ant was laying in his bed at his apartment. The two had been on the phone since night shift had started, which was five hours ago. Bonnie and Chica had both left the stage but Chica stayed in the dining area

'Oh? Am I now? Is the sound of my voice attractive to you?' Dan asked and Ant was caught off guard a little (pun intended).

"Not as much as the rest of you" Ant responded and Dan didn't answer for a moment.

'Say the guy who's 6'2' Dan muttered and Ant laughed 

"So guys who are 6'2 are your type?" Ant asked "too bad my type is guys who are over 5'7"

'Oh shut up. I just gave you a compliment' Ant could imagine Dan rolling his eyes at him which made Ant laugh. 'Oh shit. I can't find Chica and Bonnie..'

"Try looking in the supply closet for Bonnie, and the Bathrooms for Chica." Ant told him but instead was met with screaming "DAN?! Is everything alright?!" 

'Foxy just hooked me!'  Dan yelled over the phone. 'Bonnie and Chica, both are outside of my doors right now.'

"Are you alright though?" Ant asked him

'I'm just bleeding. He got me right over my eye' Dan told him

"Dude can you still see out of it?" Ant asked

'It can only see red right now. I can't tell if it's because of the blood though..' Dan responded

"They weren't this active last night. Are they getting more aggressive as the nights continue?" Ant asked and Dan gave a 'mhm' 

'Uh, dude this hurts. I can't leave my office though' Dan grumbled.

"I'm coming in" Ant said and he got up

'It's not worth it!' Dan argued 'The shift is almost over' as Dan finished his statement Ant heard the bell for 6:00 AM go off

"I'll be there soon" Ant told him and hung up the phone.

       AntVenom lightly dabbed a wet paper towel over Dan's injured eye. Dan flinched as the paper towel made contact with his skin.

"It hurts" Dan mumbled

"Well maybe if you went to the hospital we wouldn't be in this mess" Ant pointed out as he continued."Alright the bleeding stopped. Can you see?"

"It's still a bit blurry but it's not red anymore" Dan sighed.

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