Chapter 4

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Ant sighed as he waited for the night shift to start and more importantly, for Dan to wake up.  Ant stood up from the chair and stood up straight

"Ant..?" Ant looked at the doorway to Dan looking like a zombie. He still looked exhausted and just didn't look good.

"Evening' sleeping beauty" Ant greeted him and Dan smiled

"Aww, you think I'm a beauty~" Dan walked over to him and leaned against his back. 

"Go home. You're still exhausted" Ant told him but Dan just shook his head no

"I got a voicemail. They replaced my position and I am now a night guard with you" Dan told him and Ant shook his head

"Assholes" Ant grumbled and Dan smiled

"Steady, Ant. Just one more night after this" Dan reminded him and Ant blinked

"Huh, I guess you're right" Ant glanced back at Dan "I found something"

"What did you find?" Dan tiredly looked up at him
"A ventilation system that we could walk around in." Ant told him and Dan tilted his head to side

"Oh?" Dan asked, curiosity sparking in his eyes. Ant nodded his head and Dan backed up "lead the way oh wise one" Ant chuckled softly as he walked over to the poster on the wall. He pushed on it to reveal that there was no walk behind it. He pulled the poster off entirely to reveal a ladder and he started to climb it. Dan followed him and the two walked around, exiting out in the supply closet, storage room, back room, kitchen, and a secret room.

"Here's the big surprise" Ant opened the door to a room with a bunch of older models of the animatronics. Part of the suits were missing and they were rotting away. There was one that stood out though. It looked to be a golden version of Freddy

"Why is there a golden Freddy?" He asked approaching the animatronic. He was suddenly pulled back by Ant

"Don't get too close to that thing man" Ant warned "it's dangerous" Ant motioned the blood stains around the animatronics mouth.

"Jeez. But do you think that's how you cut your back?" Dan asked 

"Yeah. Foxy must have climbed through the vents" Ant crossed his arms and Dan patted his shoulder

"Why did they keep these things around?" Dan looked back at the discontinued robots. Ant shrugged as he heard the door slam.

"Shit" Ant ran over to the door and tried to open it. "Someone blocked it" AntVenom continued to try and push it open only for it to not move. Ant sighed and walked to the other side of the room.

"Ant don't do it" Dan warned and Ant raised an eyebrow at him.  Ant then ran at the door and he broke it down. "What did I just tell you!" Dan scolded him

"Eh, at least we...." Ant trailed off as he realized Ronaldo was standing on the other side

"Miss me?" He asked with a hoarse laugh. Dan glared at the freakishly tall man "Oh come one Dan, Aren't you just a little happy to see me?"

"Listen. You were fired, move on!  We're just trying to get paid so we can exist on the planet longer" Ant told him and Ronaldo shot a glare at him

"You don't get to talk!" Ronaldo snapped at him "I may have been fired but I sure as hell will not let go of this place!"

"Because you hid those kids' bodies?" Ant questioned

"Because you and your brother are the witnesses" Ronaldo sneered. "You two brats have been a thorn in my side for years but that stops now!" Ronaldo did his eerie laugh and the lights began to flicker and turn off. Once they turned on again Ronaldo was gone. 

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