Chapter 3

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The night was uneventful to Ant. Nothing really happened. It went like how all the other nights went except Freddy was active. Ant winced in pain as his younger brother cleaned the cut on his back

"This looks deep. Are you sure you don't need stitches?" He asked. Like Ant, his brother had dark skin and raven black hair. The two shared many similarities. The two both had soft hair, dark skin, and both were on the taller scale and were lean. However his brother had bright green eyes which Ant always found weird but he has two different eye colors so he can't really talk.

"I'll be fiiiine" the older one hissed as his brother continued to clean the cut

"Why are you still working there?" He asked as he grabbed ace bandages. "Arms up"

Ant lifted his arms over his head as he winced in pain. "It's getting me money right now"

"That's it? No other reason?" The younger one asked as he wrapped the bandages around Ant's back and torso, covering the cut. He made sure the bandages were going to stay in place before putting them away

"Will, you know the other reason" he put his arms down as Will handed him a shirt.

"Does Dan remember?"

"No! No one does!" Ant sighed angrily

"Why do we?" Will muttered

"What?" Ant looked back at him

"Why us? We hold no significant" William looked at the ground as if he was guilty "No one believes us! It's almost like it didn't happen"

"You also have to realize that's a traumatic experience even for an adult" Ant reminded him as he ruffled the younger's hair.

"But we weren't super close with him" William swatted at his hand

"I... but we know the killer..."

"God!" William exclaimed as he balled his hands into a fist. Ant glanced back at his brother. He didn't know what he was going to do. "Why doesn't anyone believe us!" He began to ramble as his breathing began sharper and shallow as if he was forgetting to breathe. Ant grabbed his brother's wrists and smiled softly

"Hey, look at me" He said softly and Will looked at him with a glare "take a deep breath" Ant began to inhale and William followed his actions. Ant held his breath for a couple of seconds before exhaling. The two did that for a couple of minutes and he calmed down, unballing his hands. "All I know is that he will be getting what he deserves"

"Promise?" Will asked with pleading eyes

"Pinky" he held out his pinky finger and hooked it with Will's finger. William let out a sigh of relief. The two began to laugh softly

"Alright. Now, ready to learn how to make a cake from scratch?"

Dan glanced down at the tile floor. Blood. Blood covered the floor. He looked up to see Ant with a horrified expression. Dan realized that he was covered in blood as well. "Ant...?" Ant wasn't answering him. Dan looked behind him to see Ronaldo standing there with a twisted smile

"This place isn't big enough for both of us" Ronaldo's voice was distorted "stick around and someone's bound to go missing." Dan felt as if he couldn't breathe. Dan turned back around to realize that he was in a different room. Four children laid there, lifeless. Dan was overwhelmed, where was he? What was going on? Who were these kids? Ronaldo standing in the corner, holding a child by the neck. Blood covered Ronaldo's hand as it poured from the kid's neck.

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