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A/N: Hello and welcome to the first official installment of Sk8 the Infinity Agere One-shots! I am very excited to start this book and I hope you enjoy them!

Before we start there are a couple of things to know about the story: 1. Cherry Blossom (Kaoru) is the little 2. His headspace is usually from 4-6 but specifically, in this one-shot, his headspace age is 6 years old 3. I refer to Cherry Blossom mostly as Cherry in this shot just because I think it sounds better in the story

Lastly, I'm sorry if these don't flow as well as my MHA one-shots, I've known the MHA characters for a lot longer than I've known Sk8 characters so this is a little out of my comfort zone but I want to do it nonetheless.

Okay, with that said, let's get to the story! Enjoy!


Kaoru was on his way home from 'S' when he began to feel the tell-tale signs of a slip. It had recently rained so he'd seen several frogs hopping around and it made little Cherry want to come out and visit.

Unfortunately, Joe had to hang back at 'S' so the little was forced to walk home alone. Big Cherry didn't mind skating home alone. Little Cherry, however, was very scared of the dark and just so happened to forget all of his previous skating knowledge when he regressed.

So naturally, his only option was to call his daddy to come to pick him up. " Carwa, call daddy, pease." He whimpered out, clutching the board to his chest as he waited for the call to go through. He sat down on the curb, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

Joe stopped his competition mid-skate to answer his little's call. Everyone watching was quite confused but he didn't care, his baby was calling and he was going to answer. " Hello?" He spoke into the phone, worry quickly setting in when he heard small sniffles from the other side.

" Oh, baby, what's wrong?" The little one took a second to respond, still trying to process his fear. Also, getting slightly distracted by a hopping frog in front of him.

" I-I dunno where I am. Daddy, scared!" He cried, wishing he wasn't so lost and afraid.

" Okay, honey, I'll be there to pick you up in a bit. Can you tell daddy what you see around you?" Joe was already on his way, taking the normal route that Kaoru takes. He'd memorized it for this exact reason.

The little looked around trying to take in all of the details that would be most memorable and easy to spot. " Dere's a big light and uh dere's a bwue car." He continued to look around, trying his best to give his caregiver the best explanation he could.

" Good boy, do you see anything else?" He asked, searching for the light post and blue car. Cherry thought for a moment before he was able to answer again.

" I-I see da flower shop." With that, Joe knew exactly where to go and he was already almost there. The man smiled as he skated towards the flower shop where Shadow worked during the day.

He came upon the street of the shop, craning his neck to find the boy. It took him nearly five minutes of searching, but eventually, his eyes landed on his little. Still clutching Carla to his chest as he rocked slowly back and forth to comfort himself. Joe hopped off of his board and speed-walked the rest of the way over.

He placed his hand on the little's shoulder, slightly startling him. Once Cherry saw his caregiver he jumped up and into his arms, nearly knocking him out with his board. " Woah Woah, careful with Carla, baby boy." Joe laughed, carefully grabbing the board and setting it on the ground.

" Daddy, miss you!" The boy cried into his shoulder. Joe felt awful, he shouldn't have accepted the race, he should've walked Kaoru home. He squeezed the boy a little tighter and picked him up, placing his hand on the back of the boy's head. The caregiver bounced ever so slightly from side to side, shushing him, hoping to calm him down.

" I know, bubba, daddy missed you too. Let's go home and get you into some more comfortable clothes, okay?" The boy nodded, still crying into his shoulder.


Kaoru had just slipped and decided it was a good idea to try and skate regardless of his mental age. This proved to be a very bad idea when he slipped off of his board and scraped up both of his hands and knees. He also managed to get a pretty gnarly scrape across his cheek stretching from his lip up to the corner of his left eye.

" Daddy!" He called, sitting cross-legged on the pavement. The two were at their normal skating spot, Cherry being big when they'd arrived. Joe heard the call and ran over to the crying little.

He looked frantic as he examined the scrapes littering his body. " Baby, did you try to skate while small?" He asked, already grabbing the first aid kit from his backpack.

Kaoru nodded as he pulled his knees to his chest. This too, was a mistake as it hurt worse to bend his knees. He let out another sob and stretched his legs back out. " Aw, I'm sorry, sweetheart. I should've known you slipped. Can you let daddy clean up your scrapes for you, honey?" The caregiver had already pulled out alcohol wipes, bandages, and ointment to prevent infection.

The boy whimpered and shook his head. He knew the wipes would burn and it already hurt enough! " Love, I need to make sure they won't get infected, okay?" Cherry didn't give a verbal answer, simply responding by hesitantly scooting closer to his caregiver and giving him better access to his knees, hands, and face.

" That's my good boy, once I finish cleaning you up, we can go get some ice cream! Does that sound good?" He asked, already starting the process. He tried to talk to him the whole time and keep him distracted. The boy still whined at the cold sting of the alcohol but was calmer than he would've been in silence.

Joe placed the last bandaid over Kaoru's face and grabbed both of his hands, standing him up on wobbly legs. " You did such a good job, bubs! Daddy is so proud of you." The little smiled at the praise but soon replaced it with a frown when he realized his daddy had forgotten one crucial step in the healing process.

" Daddy, kisses." He whined, making grabby hands at Joe. The caregiver laughed and picked him up, careful not to touch his injuries. He began peppering kisses all over the little's face, causing him to erupt in a fit of giggles and the occasional snort.

" You're so cute, baby." Joe placed one last kiss on Kaoru's forehead and set him back

down on his feet. Cherry did a little dance while his caregiver gathered their things so they could leave.

Joe picked up the last of the items and threw his backpack over his shoulder. He took both boards under his arm and held Kaoru's hand with the other. The two walked together, making small talk and enjoying each other's company.

They'd eventually ended up at little Cherry's favorite ice cream shop, the one that just so happened to be big Cherry's least favorite one. Both ordered their treats and left, deciding to enjoy them on the way home. It was a little difficult for Joe to juggle all of the items so he'd decided to strap both boards to the back of his backpack. The boards would hit each other every time he took a step and it made Kaoru laugh with every step.

Joe made it home with aching muscles and Cherry Blossom with drooping eyes. As soon as they'd walked through the door, the little kicked off his shoes and passed out on the couch. His caregiver didn't have the heart to wake him up so he decided a bath could wait for the morning. After all, Joe could use the rest too.💙

A/N: Yayyyy!!!! It's finally finished! This one was a little daunting for me to start because as I mentioned before, I don't know these characters as well as I know MHA characters. This was also meant to have an entirely different plot but I changed my mind halfway through so if you find the first part doesn't go as well with the second part, that's why. But overall, I like the way it turned out and I hope you enjoy the chapters to come! Thank you!

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