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Requested by: Maddy_116onyx

A/N: Hey guys! I think this is a really good idea so I hope I do it justice, enjoy!

CW: A lil angsty


    Kaoru huffed out a frustrated breath as he skated around the secluded trail he’d found so long ago. He needed to take a moment to breathe, the fangirls were getting on his nerves and he felt like he was suffocating in Victoria’s Secret perfume. The problem wasn’t that his fans were bothering him. No, it was Kojirou's fans. They were all over him and he couldn’t stand to watch another second. 

    Years ago, when he’d just won a race at ‘S’, he was leaving the course and stumbled upon a trail. Short as it was, it was very scenic. Trees, flowers, and small animals filled it with a calming atmosphere that Kaoru couldn’t get enough of. Ever since, anytime he was sad, angry, happy even, he would skate the trail. Sometimes multiple times. He knew every twist and turn. Every leaf on every tree. The animals even started coming to greet him. Sometimes he would bring little treats for them, he even had names for each and every one.

    Kojiro knew of the trail, however, he was never quite clear of its whereabouts. That’s how Kaoru liked it, the trail was his spot and he didn’t want anyone to know where it was as it was where he went when he wanted to be alone. 

    Three laps later, the pink-haired skater decided he was calm enough to return to ‘S’. He skated up to the gate and waited for the half-second it took for it to open. As soon as he entered, he saw Kojiro. Kojiro with four different girls hanging off of him, two on each arm. Kaoru scoffed and walked over to the nearest bench, already considering returning to the trail. 

    Not more than a minute later, Kojiro noticed a somber-looking Kaoru sulking on a bench. “ Ladies, really, I’m flattered but I have a boyfriend. Please stop doing this. I have to go now. Have a good evening.” The girls fawned over the man, still grabbing at any piece of loose clothing as he walked away. 

    “ Hey, babe. Where’d you go earlier?” Of course, he was sure of the answer. But he felt he still had to ask for sake of clarity. 

    Kaoru sighed and scooted his body a little closer to that of his caregiver. “ I uh went to the trail. Those girls-” Before he could finish his thought, as if on cue, one of the girls screamed Kojiro’s skating alias name and began to trot over. The girl was dressed in a popular band tee that Kaoru had yet to hear of and a pair of heavily ripped jeans. Her hair was up in a basic ponytail, her makeup just as plain. But no matter her outfit or makeup, she was still just another fangirl. Another one of the many to think she’d be lucky enough to snatch up the one and only Joe. 

    Kojiro sighed in exasperation, running a hand down his face. “ Kaoru, I’m really sorry. I promise I don’t like this.” The man only stood and waved off his boyfriend’s apology. He decided he was too upset to talk and didn’t want to stay. The situation only intensified his need for the trail once more. 

    “ No no, I know. It’s not your fault. I’m just gonna um go home.” Kaoru calmly walked away, his head hung low and Carla pressed firmly against his left side. He let a few tears slip but only after he walked out of the gate and out of sight from the rest of ‘S’. He, in fact, was not on his way home, but on his way back to the trail. 

    The man skated for hours upon hours. So much so that he could hardly stand when he entered his home. “ Kaoru! Where have you been?! Are you okay? You look awful!” Kojiro began looking over at the man, grabbing at his shoulders and looking at his face. 

    “ Yeah, I know. You probably like them better because of it.” He sniffled, dropping his head. He tried to shake away the hands on his shoulders but the effort was useless as they didn’t budge. 

    “ What do you mean? I don’t like them at all. They just won’t leave me alone. I like you, baby, not them.” Kojiro placed a gentle hand under his boyfriend’s chin, lifting it to meet his eyes. One after another, tears rolled down his delicate cheeks, falling onto the floor. 

Kaoru gave a small sniffle and tried to blink away his tears. " But-but why do you like me? I'm not pretty like them. I'm not fun like them." Kojiro felt horrible, had his baby really been feeling like this all this time? Why didn't he notice before? 

" No, Koko, you are so pretty, my pretty boy. And you are the most fun! When we play games you always pick the best ones. Some of my favorite times are times spent with you. So why don't we forget about those meanie girls for now and have a good Papa baby boy night, hm? Sounds good?" The little's eyes lit up as he began to fall peacefully into littlespace. 

    Kojiro just barely caught himself as he slipped on the living room rug, trying to catch his little. “ Slow down, Koko!” He called, laughing a little. Kaoru, however, didn’t even hear the request as he was too invested in the game of ‘ run from Papa so we don’t have to put on clothes’. 

    Finally, Kojiro caught up to Kaoru and snatched him up. “ Gotcha!” He announced, feeling quite victorious. He held the boy up in his arms, tickling his sides a little. The little erupted in laughter as he did so. Kojiro was happy to see his baby laughing after the night they’d had. 

    “ Alright, sweet boy, let’s get you dressed. I’m thinking one of my favorite shirts and either boxers or a diaper, hm? Would you like that?” Kaoru nodded as he began to laugh again, his Papa once again tickling him. 

    “ Mhm! Diaper pease.” He said, trying to slow his breathing from the tickle attack just moments before. He wasn’t quite little enough to need a diaper yet but he could already feel himself regressing further and he wanted to make sure he still took the precaution. 

    Kojiro adjusted the boy in his arms, now carrying him bridal style. They walked to the room and the man playfully tossed him onto the bed in the middle of the room. Kaoru giggled at the action, laying down and waiting for his caregiver to gather his clothes for him. 

    The man pulled out a long tee shirt and a diaper along with baby powder and lotion since he’d just given the boy a bath and he didn’t want his skin to get dry. “ Let’s get you all dressed, kiddo. You want someone to hold while I do this?” He asked, already grabbing a stuffie from the large pile on the bed. 

    “ Hmm, I wants Dougwous!” Kojiro grabbed the stuffed dinosaur and handed it to the little one. Kaoru cuddled up to the stuffie and finally stilled long enough for Kojiro to get him dressed. 

    As soon as he was finished, Kojiro picked up the little and peppered his face in a million kisses. “ P-Papa, stooop!” He giggled out, uselessly pressing his hands against Kojiro’s face in attempts to get him away. 

    “ Alright, alright. Movie time, little guy. Let’s get the candy!” 💙

A/N: Well I’m not gonna say I didn’t cry while writing the angst in this lol But I really like this one, lemme know what you think! Thanks for reading!

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