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A/N: Hi guys! I’ve had this idea for a few weeks now and I’m only just now getting around to doing it. I have a headcanon that Reki has ADHD and often forgets to take care of himself because of it. So that’s what this one is about. I start school tomorrow so I’m trying to get this done and posted before then. Enjoy!


    “ Reki! Langa’s here!” Reki grunted in response, waiting for Langa to enter his room. The room he just so happened to be locked in all day. He’d been working on a new board idea and he hadn’t stopped once, not even to eat. 

    Reki did this often, which is why when he wasn’t responding to Langa’s texts, he decided to go check on him. When he walked into the boy’s room, he saw exactly what he was expecting to see. Reki was hunched over his desk, scribbling a design into his notebook. 

“ Hey, baby. What are you working on?” Langa walked over to the desk and leaned on the side of it, crossing his arms over his chest. The redhead didn’t give much of a response so Langa decided to try and ease him out of his hyperfocus. He knew that if he was this entranced by his idea, he hadn’t taken care of himself. Most likely all day. 

He knew his little would be grumpy that he was distracting him, so he went ahead and got all of his little items out so they would be ready when needed. “ Hey, honey. Can you look at me?” He eased, rubbing Reki’s shoulder. The boy relaxed his shoulders a little and rubbed his eyes. It was only then that Langa noticed his paint-covered hands shaking, likely from not eating. 

Reki looked up at his caregiver with a tired look. Regardless of how upset he was that he was being interrupted, he was exhausted. He’d been working on this design since the night before and the sleep deprivation was catching up to him. 

Langa gave a sympathetic smile and crouched down in front of Reki’s desk chair. He placed his hands on the little’s thighs and looked into his tired eyes. “ How long have you been working, love?” Reki shrugged and tried to remember how long he’d stayed up for. 

“ Uh, since midnight I think. What time is it?” Langa’s eyes widened a little but he tried to quell his shock as to not worry Reki. He pulled out his phone and checked the time for him. 

“ Baby, it’s five in the afternoon. Have you taken a break at all? Did you sleep?” Reki shook his head, looking a little guilty. He knew his caregiver worried about him and he hated making him feel that way. He didn’t mean to stay up so long! 

Reki began to slip, he was so tired and he felt bad for worrying Langa. “ I’m sorry, daddy! I didn’t mean to!” The little had tears in his eyes and reached out for his caregiver for comfort. Langa picked him up out of his chair and held him close. He soothed him with comforting words and rubbed his back. 

“ It’s alright, honey. I know you can’t help it. That’s why I’m here. Now, let’s get you some food and a nice bath, then we can lay down for a bit. Does that sound good, bub?” Reki nodded into his shoulder and Langa walked out of the room. The rest of his family knew about his regression so it was safe to leave the room little. 

Reki’s mother walked into the kitchen when she heard the sobs of her child. “ Aw, honey, it’s alright. Is he little?” She asked, Langa nodded and gave a small smile. 

“ He hasn’t eaten all day, do you think you could make something for him? I would do it myself but I don’t think he wants to let go right now.” The mother nodded and began making Reki’s favorite meal. She was happy to help Langa out, he took good care of her son and she appreciated that. 

“ Thank you, Mrs. Kyan. I appreciate the help. I’m going to try and get him to drink some water and bring him back to his room to calm down for a bit.” Langa was already searching the cabinet for Reki’s favorite sippy cup. He paused for a moment, not knowing whether to grab a sippy or a bottle. 

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