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Requested by: yuatia

A/N: Hello all, I’ve missed you. Apologies for my absence, I’ve been sick so I haven’t had much energy to write. Anyhoo, I have a headcanon that Cherry Blossom is basically a mom to all of his skater children and that will be included in this. I’m sorry if this sucks.

CW: Cherry gets overworked and gets sick, I also know absolutely nothing about skating so if I make a mistake, lemme know and I’ll fix it


    The sun was beaming down on Kaoru’s pale skin as he watched Reki and Miya attempt the new tricks he was teaching them. He’d been with them all day, Miya was doing great but Reki was struggling and he wasn’t going to leave them until he helped the boy get the trick. Granted, he probably should’ve considering he hadn’t eaten or had water the whole day but he could make it, right?

    “ Again, and keep your feet planted and straighten your back, you look ridiculous,” Cherry called from the bench where he sat. Reki rolled his eyes and attempted the trick again only to land on his face as he’d done so many times before. 

    Cherry groaned, disappointed that Reki couldn’t get the trick. He wasn’t disappointed in Reki, he was disappointed for Reki. “ Reki, c’mere, kid.” He beckoned, waving his hand. The redhead picked up his board and somberly walked to the bench. 

    Reki stood in front of his mentor, ashamed. He clutched his board in his left hand, pressing it firmly against his side. “ Tell me, what’s stopping you from getting this trick? We’ve been working on it for weeks. What do you think you’re doing wrong?” Cherry asked, trying to see if the boy knew why he wasn’t getting the trick.

    “ I dunno,” Reki mumbled, looking down at the concrete. In reality, he knew why he wasn’t getting the trick. His mind was messing with him and he just couldn’t see himself landing it. 
“ Reki, I can only help you if you’re honest with me.” He pushed. Cherry knew why Reki wasn’t getting the trick. He could see how bad he wanted it but he could also see how much he was struggling to believe in himself. 

    When Reki didn’t say anything else, Cherry sighed and stood up. “ Here, let’s do it together. Miya! Take a break, kid. I’m gonna work with Reki some more.” Miya kicked his skateboard up into his hand and took Cherry’s spot on the bench. 

    The two made their way to the ramp. “ Alright, I’ll start, you watch. I want you to pay attention to my footing and how I distribute my weight, okay?” Reki nodded and watched as Cherry flawlessly executed the trick he’d been trying to learn for so long. 

    “ Okay, what did you notice?” Cherry questioned, skating back over to where Reki stood.

    “ Um, you’re feet stayed planted until the jump and you leaned forward, keeping your weight in front.” Cherry smiled and nodded, proud that Reki understood what he wanted him to change in his own technique. 

    “ Yes, good. Try again, we’re not leaving until you get this because I know you can. Stop letting your mind get to you, you’re a great skater and you need to see that. You can get this trick, you’re so close. So go try again and make me proud.” He waved him over to the ramp and watched him attempt the trick again. 

    It wasn’t perfect, but it was an improvement. He still didn’t land it, but at least he didn’t completely wipe out again. “ Good! That was better! Try again, this time bend your legs a little more after the jump.” 

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