Chpt. 1 // Pet Store Guy

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"Come on Y/n let's goooo!" My sister Lee'Ann said

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"Come on Y/n let's goooo!" My sister Lee'Ann said. Watching a 10 year old all day is exhausting as hell, I feel like I'm being tortured.

The place that she's talking about going to, is the new pet store. It's not necessarily new, but it's pretty recent.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I said to her while picking up my pace to match hers.

Originally, we were suppose to stay at the park, but after hours of Lee'Ann begging me to take her, I decided out of the goodness of my heart to take her.

Thankfully, it was right down the road from the park so it was a nice walk.

We finally made it, and the main thing I was excited for was getting some air conditioning cause chileeee it's hot as fuck outside.

We stepped inside, brushing our feet on the mat, it being a habit of mine. My mom is a bit of a neat freak so we always have to do that at home, which I don't mind honestly.

The pet store wasn't too big or too small, so I let Lee'Ann look around by herself while still keeping an eye on her.

I did some looking around myself and saw a cute (dog breed of your choice) looking at me. I went up to it and it started wagging its tail even more.

I wish we could have a pet, but like I said before, my mom is a neat freak so that's a definite no my friend.

"His name is Charlie." I heard someone next to me say.

I looked to my right and I saw a guy who was wearing the store's uniform. He had blonde hair, with an undercut and beautiful green eyes. I could stare at them all day.

He actually looked kinda familiar, does he go to my university?

"Umm are you alright?" I snapped out my daze and realized I was just staring at this man.

Ok yea that's embarrassing as fuck.

"I'm sorry you startled me a bit." I said, making up an excuse. "It's alright. Were you interested in bringing this guy home?" He pointed at Charlie.

"Ah, I would love to but my mom doesn't allow animals."

He hummed as a response. "Well, in the future, make sure you come back to get him." He said while smiling.

Gosh his teeth are so pretty what the hell. "I will definitely try." I said with a smile.

"Y/nnn I'm ready to goooo." Lee'Ann said, coming up to me.

"Already? We just got here."

She kept nagging me at how she's ready to go so I quickly wrapped up the conversation I was having with the employee.

I swear he looks so familiar. Should I just ask?
"Uh-This might be a weird question but do you go to-"

"CHIFUYU! I HAVE A LINE!" I heard a older women's voice say. More than likely his boss. He looked at me.

"I'm sorry I have to go. See you later!" He said while walking to the register.

See you later?

Did he just assume that I was gonna come back just to continue our conversation? I mean...I would.

Damn Y/n, you see one fine person and then you can't help yourself. I'm not gonna do it. I'll just come back another day.

Fate will bring us together if it's meant to be.

"Y/n come onnn!" Lee'Ann said. "OKAY OKAY!"


"Control your stomach from growling or I'll make it stop myself Y/n." Emma said. I groaned from hunger.

"I'm like, starving and THAT'S what you say? How rude Emma."

She chuckled and pulled out a container that had ramen in it.

"We can share it during lunch because I know you forgot to bring yours." I grinned. "Thank you Emma."

I somehow managed to get through my first 2 periods.
I did eat breakfast but I guess not enough. Luckily, me and Emma don't have another period until a few hours.

I heard a ding from my phone and saw that Emma texted me.

Emma 🤍

Hey, I'm not feeling too good so
I went home. I'm sorry!

It's okay Emma!
Thank you for telling me.
I have some cash on me so I'll stop by the cafe .

Emma 🤍

Okay I'm glad! Text me
when you get home.
you liked a message


I felt bad Emma, she rarely gets sick. Maybe I'll stop by after school and surprise her with her favorite food.

"Hey, Y/n right?" I heard someone say behind me. I turned around and saw the guy from the pet store the other day.

"Hey it's pet store guy!" I said while walking up to him.

"Chifuyu, Chifuyu Matsuno. I don't think I wanna be remembered by "pet store guy"." He said while laughing.

I laughed along with him. "How did you know my name?" I asked. "I saw you walking down the hall with your friend and heard her say your name." I smiled.

"Are you sure you weren't stalking me?" I said, teasing him.

"S-Stalking?! Why would I." He said with his red face. "I'm just kidding geez." I said while laughing.

"I'm going to the cafe, would you like to join me?" He smiled and nodded.

The wind blew across our faces while we walked along the brick path to the cafe.

Fate, what have you decided for us?

Fate, what have you decided for us?

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