Chpt. 2 // About You

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"So, what's your favorite type of coffee?" Chifuyu looked over and asked me

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"So, what's your favorite type of coffee?" Chifuyu looked over and asked me. "Mmm it has to be (your favorite)"

"Eww no, the best one is Caramel Frappuccino." He argued. "That one is good too." I said while laughing.

After we got our drinks and some snacks, we went over to a table and sat down.

While I was eating, I kept seeing Chifuyu stare at me, but then he would quickly look away while blushing.

"Sooo do you have something you wanna say?" I asked.

He flinched and looked up at me. "Well, you're just...really pretty." He said quietly.

I laughed at how shy he was. "I'M pretty? I mean I know I am but sir, have you seen yourself?" His eyes slightly widened.

"What? I'm not pretty!" He said while pouting. I laughed at how cute he was being.

"So what are you majoring in?" I asked. "Animal Science, I want to open my own pet store one day so I would like to learn more about them." I hummed as a response.

"You seem like an animal lover."
"Let me guess, cause I look sO pReTtY?" He said, trying to copy me.

I laughed.

"I mean you said it, not me." He pouted again.

Chifuyu is actually a nice guy, so far at least. He even paid for my food and drink.

Despite the mean look he has on his face, his flustered face is adorable if you catch him off guard.

After we were done eating, he offered to walk me back to class. "You don't have any classes?" He nodded.

"I take all of my classes in the morning, so I can get it over with. Plus I have work in the afternoon so I'll be going there in about an hour."

"I see. Oh before I forget, put your number in my phone." I said while handing him my phone. He looked surprised when I said that and hesitated. He took it and then handed it back to me.

"Well, I'm off. Thanks for paying for my meal and for walking me to class." I said while walking away.

"Cyaaa!" He said.


I was finally done with my classes for the day and decided to go see Chifuyu. I went towards the school parking lot and hopped in my car.

Oh shit, I need to go get more gas.

Before I went over to the pet store, I hurried over to the nearest gas station, and barely made it there.

I thought it would be best to text him first before I just showed up there randomly.


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