Chpt. 3 // Truths

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I was up ready and early to go meet Chifuyu at the park for our picnic

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I was up ready and early to go meet Chifuyu at the park for our picnic.

Well honestly after what happened last night, not really sure if it's safe for me to meet him...ALONE. I mean, he doesn't seem dangerous towards me so, maybe I'm safe?

I put on my shoes and walked to my car.

Incoming Call

Wtf he's calling me? Bitch I'm not mentally prepared for this-

oh screw it let me just answer.

"Hey, there any chance you could pick me up?"
"Yeah I can do that, text me your address kay?"
"Alright thanks a lot."

After he said that, he hung up. Weird, couldn't he have just texted me all that?

Chifuyu sent me his address and I was off to pick him up. When I arrived to his place, I just decided to stay in the car and wait.

His apartment look good asf...let me get like that.

I looked over to the main building's door as it was opened and saw him come out.

I honked my horn multiple times to embarrass him. He ran up to my window and I rolled it down.

"What? You don't like my honking? It's my way of greeting you." I said to him and honked again.

"Y/n oh my lord." He said while going on the passenger side to get in. I laughed and eventually stopped as he was dying from embarrassment.

"Y/n you're embarrassing you know." He said. I looked at my mirror to make eye contact with him and gave him a small smile.

He immediately blushed and I chuckled.

Eventually we arrived at the park, and sat down the blankets and food.
The park also has a big cherry tree in the middle, making the scenery even more beautiful.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, you need to tell me what all that was last night." I said, turning all my attention to him.

He sighed a bit, but still told me.

"Okay I'm just going to be honest. I'm in a gang with a group of delinquents. The people you saw us fighting last night, they attacked us first. We had no choice but to defend ourselves." He explained.

I hummed as a response. "So the long black hair guy?" I asked. "Oh you must mean Baji, he's one of my closest friends."

"And the blonde hair one?"
"That's Mikey, he's our president."

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