Chpt. 4 // Warm Embrace

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A/N: i haven't wrote a chapter for this story in a while and i learned a few things when it comes to writing within these past few weeks . also changing the pov to third person . enjoy ! <3


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Weeks have gone by ever since you went to his place for the first time, and somehow you guys have became very close.

Even though you've only known him for a short amount of time, it felt like you knew all your life.

You noticed that Chifuyu can be very shy when it comes to talking to females, and you find that adorable.

Despite how shy he is, he has a good heart. Plus he can fight so that's an automatic win in your book.

Now here you one of his gang's meetings.

You didn't really want to go but Chifuyu insisted, plus Baji seemed like he wanted to get to know you more, at least that's what Chifuyu said.

Their leader Mikey was speaking with a tall guy next to him. He had blonde hair with a tattoo on the side of his head.

'His hairstyle is cool'

You look at Chifuyu, who is standing next to Baji. Other people were also paired like that with a squad behind them.

'Divisions perhaps?'

Chifuyu felt someone staring at him and looked towards you.

He smiled, showing his pretty white teeth.

'So cute'

You smiled back.

He turned his attention back to Mikey, who finished with his speech.
Him and the guy next to him come down to talk to you.

"Y/n right? Let's be friends okay!" Mikey said to you while smiling.

"Mikey, she doesn't even know you." The guy next to him said. He turned towards you and introduced himself.

"Draken, I'm the Vice President." He said.

You nodded, feeling a bit intimidated from his height.

"Ken-Chin, you're making her scared." Mikey said to Draken.

"Shut the hell up!" Draken said back. You laughed at how funny they were. You could see yourself hanging around them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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