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"as you all know covid-19 cases are raising rapidly in japan

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"as you all know covid-19 cases are raising rapidly in japan." aizawa stated as he stood in front of his students, "so classes will be canceled for the remaining of the school year."

"mr. aizawa! how can you guys just stop classes, what will we be doing then?" kaminari asked raising his arm in the air.

"i wasn't done talking." eraserhead's hair floated in the air and his eyes glowed red, settling the students down.

"lectures will continue online, since we're going on lockdown. you can either stay home with your families or keep to yourselves in your dorms. i will not be staying on campus but present mic and midnight will be." aizawa picked up he sleeping bag as he was preparing to leave.

"this is a quarantine. which means no physical contact with people outside and social distancing to stop the spread of this virus. now, to take care of your mental health we highly recommend bunking with a classmate if you are not returning home. NO significant others in the dorms, we are not to be held accountable if one of you wind up with a baby or std."

"um mr. aizawa? what about training?" midoriya asked.

"that's not something we have figured out yet, try and find something that requires little to no contact with others. nezu will be sending out videos and emails with more specifics. there are buses waiting outside."

and with that aizawa left the classroom and headed back to his own dorm. many other staff members were running and packing their things up to return home to their loved ones. not wasting a second to share their excitement.

aizawa was just as excited as them, though the circumstances are horrible he was nonetheless ready to home. you were still angry with him and he wanted to take this time to repair what was broken.

on his way to his car he bumped into shinso, "hello shinso, heading home?" he asked the boy.

"no i wanted to stay so i could train some more. will you still be coming to campus?"

"i'm going to try, i can't make any promises to how often though." shinso's face dropped a bit, "i'll uh try to come weekly kid."

"okay, tell mrs. aizawa i said hello sir." shouta did feel bad to leave him behind at school for so long, his dad was absent and mom worked a lot so he tried to make up for it the best he could. he didn't have to but felt as though it was his duty.

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surprisingly you didn't have work today, it was unexpectedly canceled. same with aiyanna's school and the daycare. japan had gone under an emergency quarantine. you had originally planned to do some grocery shopping but it was way too packed.

so instead you took the kids to the park. the two had an immense amount of energy, and playing outside was the only way for them to burn it. that or they tear the house up, and you were not looking to dish out any whoppings today. not that you ever hit them.

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