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1 year later

the world was finally back to normal. no more masks, social distancing mandates, or schools and public places being shut down. you were excited to get back to your normal life and the kids out of the house.

you loved them to death- would sacrifice your life for them, but, being in the house with them for the last year was hard.

you hardly had time for yourself, no quiet, and getting pipe every now and then was a struggle. and you lived together dammit! if you wanted to do it with your husband you should be able to do it!

but that was about to change, come august the kids would be back and school and you would have time to yourself, real time. the only problem was you'd have too much time.

during the pandemic you had been laid off and didn't look for work since. even after shouta said you didn't have to look for a new job, he was perfect content with being the main provider.

a part of you thought it was his ego but, you knew he'd be completely happy with taking care of his family, it's always been a little dream of his. being dependent on.

and you would accept but that wouldn't make you the littlest bit of happy, sitting at home all day didn't excite you in the least. you enjoyed the vigorous work day, waking up the family, getting them to where they needed to be, and going to work yourself.

then once the day was over, you'd relax, go to sleep, and do it all again the next day. you enjoyed looking forward to relaxing saturday's and sunday's, finally resting you head on a pillow after a long 16 hours. you've missed that for the last year.

so, you picked up your computer and began to look for a new job, something to keep your mind and body busy.

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now that ua was back to normal things were once again hectic. the students and teachers were back in the dorms, and crime rates were back up. apparently villains did take breaks.

during the pandemic crimes went down 50% and the lov was practically radio silent. though most people were relieved others were a bit on edge about their whereabouts.

so today there was a hero meeting to discuss hero assignments. eraserhead, present mic, and midnight had been assigned an undercover mission a little bit out of japan. apparently there was a drug operation going down on the outskirts.

now, aizawa was absolutely dreading this mission. not only was it the first one in a year but he'd be away from his family for god knows how long. since it was more of a steak out and collect info type of mission there was no set time line.

he had grown accustomed to being home all of the time and basically playing all day with the kids. just the idea of being gone made him home sick.

"eraserhead!!! you excited, it's our first mission in forever?" mic threw an arm over his best friend's shoulder as they left the room.

aizawa shrugged and walked straight to the coffee machine, "excitement isn't the adjective i'd use to describe it." he just wanted go home for dinner, work on vocab with aiyanna, and cuddle with you the rest of night.

as the trio fixed their cups of coffee a few other heroes joined the break room, joke, hawks, and mirko came in loud as ever. one made a b-line straight for eraserhead.

"eraser! you're never smiling and always unhappy, what do i have to do to get one out of you?" she joked as she grabbed a mug out of the cupboard. he groaned and rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his black coffee with a splash of sugar.

"i am happy joke, very. and i smile all the time when i'm with my wife and kids." with that he walked to the couch and pulled out his phone to send you a text.

wife ❤️

i'll be home in
a few hours,
stay up for me?

sure thing :) see you
soon my love

aizawa found joke extremely annoying. she flirted too much and tried way too hard to get his attention. it's not like she ever had a chance, considering he's been with you way before he knew her.

so he did his best to ignore her, or remind her of the family he had. she must not take it too seriously if she insists on making a move on him. maybe another child will get it through her hard head he has no interest in her.

it was just the lack of respect she had for you that got him going most of the time. he also avoided working with her at all time, not because he didn't trust himself but he didn't trust her to keep missions professional.

"oh wow, you're still with her? i would've thought covid broke you two apart." she pouted and sipped her own drink.

"we're stronger than ever- you know what, i have to get going. i promised her we'd start trying for baby number three. hopefully it pays off." he was lying out of his ass but joke didn't need to know that. just to see that glimmer of jealousy and disappointment wash over her eyes made him warm inside.

he stood up and placed his cup in the sink before making his way out of the building. the blue haired woman stunned by his words, jaw dropped.

mirko and hawks stood to the side laughing at what transpired, "man do i wish i had a man like that, just shutting bitches down to come home and-"

"chill, i know you're about to go into unnecessary detail and i don't want to hear it." hawks cut off his rabbit friend, she shrugged and watched joke leave the room in embarrassment.


aizawa arrived home to a dark and quiet house. it was past midnight so there was no reason for it to be lively. toeing off his boots he made his way upstairs, checking aiyanna and malachi's room to see them sound asleep.

remembering that he asked you to wait up for him he whispered 'i love yous' to the kids and walked towards the master bedroom to see you covered in blankets watching some movie on the television.

seeing him come in you paused the movie and sat up, opening your arms to your husband. he walked right into them and inhaled your scent, fresh out the shower you smelt like roses.

"hey honey," you rubbed his back and he pulled away to look at you, kissing your lips. "how was work?"

"not bad, but, i have a mission starting tomorrow, i'm not sure when i'll be back."

(a/n: i love joke as a home wrecker, idkw

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(a/n: i love joke as a home wrecker, idkw.
and i see y'all really want that baby, i'll think about it.)

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