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Tom admired Hogwarts castle as he walked through the courtyard and to the large entrance. Though he would never admit it, Tom had missed the school very much over the summer. He hated going back to his wretched orphanage, and spending time with people who thought him a freak. Hogwarts was the only semblance of home he had.

With his Knights, Abraxas Malfoy, Francis Avery, Jude Nott, Orion Black, Azrael Lestrange and Torrin Rosier following closely behind, Tom made his way inside and to the Great Hall. When the group entered, many students turned to stare, though most at least tried to be discreet. Tom was observant though, and had always noticed the way the girls admired him and his companions with lustful eyes. He saw the jealousy and indignation behind the Gryffindors's glares.

Of course, Tom ignored them all, ever since his first year he had been subject to prying eyes. Being the most powerful student in the school tended to draw attention. Even in his first year, Tom showed prodigious ability. Headmaster Dippet himself had once informed Tom, he was the brightest student he'd ever had the pleasure of teaching.

Tom strode to the Slytherin table, ready to get the trivial feast over with. He took his seat and his Knights all followed suit. Before he had a chance to initiate conversation, he heard a familiar screech.

"TOM!", cried the shrill voice of Walburga Black. Tom turned his head to see her barreling towards him. She threw her arms around his neck and held on tight.

Tom pushed the girl off of him and sneered down at her. "Really, Walburga, do you enjoy making a fool of yourself? How many times must I tell you that I am not interested?" he asked in a mocking tone.

It was true, Tom had turned her down many times over the years, but she had never gotten the hint. Walburga pouted, hurt by the rejection. "But Tom, I thought that maybe you missed me?", she whined while twirling her hair in a way he supposed she thought looked endearing, "Did last year mean nothing to you?", she asked.

"It was one night Walburga, and I warned you beforehand that it wouldn't change a thing. I simply used you to scratch an itch", Tom chastised.

"Tom! How ever could you say such a wretched thing?" Walburga screeched, before storming away to lick her wounds.

The boys sitting around Tom chuckled, used to the way women threw themselves before their leader. Tom supposed that even the darkest of souls would be alluring when they looked as charming as himself.

"She won't give up. She never does, when she wants something", Azrael interjected. All of the prominent pureblood families grew up together, so all of the boys, excluding Tom, were familiar with Walburga.

"Have you guys seen my sister, Gen and Lilith?", Torrin asked. Torrin may have been a prat, but he was always worrying about his twin, Druella.

"Mate, the feast hasn't even started. Give it a rest", Francis reassured.

The boys continued talking while Tom looked around. He used occlumency to intrude on the thoughts of anyone who caught his eye. When he turned towards the staff table, he noticed Dumbledore staring at him with an irritating twinkle in his blue eyes.

The transfiguration professor, Albus Dumbledore had always disliked him. Though Tom couldn't recount ever doing anything to earn his distrust. Dumbledore had always tried to undermine Tom.

"Hey boys!", the cheerful voice of Druella Rosier, interrupted Tom's rumination.

Druella had taken a seat next to her brother, along with Genesis Carrow and Lilith Parkinson. All three of the girls were talented witches, and had joined The Knights of Walpurgis last year.

Before the conversation could be resumed, the doors of the Great Hall opened and Professor Slughorn entered. He brought in a long line of first years ready to be sorted.

The rest of the feast went by quickly.  Tom spent the time contemplating the best way to start off his first meeting of sixth year.

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