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oikawa's pov

back to the summer of 6 years ago. when golden sunlight bathed our chest and the bright blue sky hovered above us with no clouds to be seen. i can still vividly remember every detail of that summer. 

the faint touch of the sand going in between my fingers. the cold water wrapping my body as the sun rained its golden euphoria on us. despite the pouring rain drenching me at this moment, the summer from 6 years ago is like a wind that's keeping me warm right now. 

and i can feel a presence from the other street. a figure that was pleading to be hidden under the darkness and her umbrella. but even so, she was familiar in a way i couldn't point out. 

i was still stuck in summer. 

"are you nervous?" 

nervous? that was far from what i'm feeling right now. the moments travelled inside my mind as i waited for the doors to finally open. the odds of the past and the unfairness of the present. 

the faint touch of sand, and the cold liquid running down. 

i felt like a burden was lifted off me as soon as the doors opened, and she walked down the aisle. i felt free. 

i felt free from the summer 6 years ago. 

and the woman who stood a few seats away from where i'm standing, knows that too well. she knows my smile, my gaze, and even the slightest thank you i could mutter to her. she knows that, the moment we both decided to leave the past behind. 

i can still recall the note i gave her that was hidden in the sandcastle. i saw a piece of it stuck in one of the pages of her notepad. it made me paint a small smile on my face. it was a good way of reminiscing about the short past we had. 

"she looks beautiful." i muttered under my breath, seeing my fiancée walking down the aisle with her loving gaze on me. 

the sandcastle that the girl and i built years ago has now been a way for us to let go of that certain small happiness. we left behind innocence and childhood as we grew up. building a sandcastle together was like building each other for the right person. 

it was that day when we felt interested to know what the meaning of love is. it was that day when we hoped that finding each other again would be another great moment to reminisce. 

because the moment we look back on the sandcastles, it will be completely washed away by the waves. 

but it wouldn't hurt us and instead, we would smile and feel a wave of satisfaction. because the right person is finally here. 

and we're done building each other. 

i felt my fiancée's presence beside me as i gave a glance to the woman who was now making her way out of the place. our eyes met for the very last time as i muttered my last words to her. 

"i liked you." 

- E N D -

sand of memories; oikawa tooruWhere stories live. Discover now