Ep1: His vision

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He walked through the barren land. The magnificent city of Indraprastha stood there, destructed. The calm breeze that once used to soothe the body was now carrying away the sand from broken buildings.
The day, the god of death had descended Earth and took away millions of souls with him leaving their lifeless body for their families to cry on.
Terror was the best defined. He wondered if he is the only man alive.
The ground was filled with bodies. Lifeless bodies...
All he could see around was nothing but destruction.

His feet tripped on something as he fall beside a dead body. He moved to look at it but the body he saw in front of him, trembled him to the core.

It was he himself...

His hands trembled as he slowly placed his hand below the nostrils of that clone of him, only to find it, breathless...

It's dead.

His perplexed mind shivered even when he couldn't understand a single happening here.

A portal opened up in sky that started engulfing everything in sight as if a blackhole. The debris of building started flying high in air before finally disappearing into the endless hole.

The dead bodies soon disappeared as if ashes.
He held himself tight on the ground but of no use as the air lifted him up and threw inside the skyportal.

He whispered, "Madhav..." one last time before everything around him blurred and he was pushed back to reality by a blueish light.

He woke up shaking his head. A old box in a dusty warehouse depicted his location.

"What the hell was that-" he mumbled to himself before hearing a voice coming from the person he was remembering.

"Parth! Did you find anything? Come on dude, do it fast!" The gentle and friendly voice of his best friend echoed through the dusty and crowded warehouse.

"Nah! I- Just don't keep asking me every next minute!" He yelled from the back of a bookshelf.

"Leave it...I have started daydreaming now..." He again mumbled to himself as he started searching the bookshelf.

He took out a book and dusted it with hands while squeezing eyes and nose to prevent the entry of dust.

"Bro! Come here fast! I found it!" yelled Arjun.

Krishna, his eternal friend, jumped through the boxes to finally reach his Arjun who was busy reading a book while not caring about where they were.

"Dude, what have you found?" Asked Krishna.

"Look! Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! It's my favourite! You know?" He squealed in joy as he flipped through the yellowish, rippled pages.

"Literally dude? We came here for this?" Taunted Madhav as he pointed towards the book, awe-strucked.

"Not really, but-" Arjun replied back, still busy reading the book.

"Will you bother to tell me how many times have you read this book?" Questioned Krishna.

"Not much...just around 10 to 15 times?"

"Oh Man- You are insane!"

"Am I? Just see, what a beautiful world! And my vivid imagination..." Arjun waved his hands dramatically, "Welcome to the magical world of Arjun!"

Krishna slapped the back of his head gently and warned, "If someone caught us, we are no more than dead meat."

Madhav copied his dramatical waving and mimicked his voice, "First reach home, then blabber about this magical world of Arjun!"

"Ouch- come on Madhav, just let me read this page," He pouted.

"Are you coming or not?" He asked.

Arjun was too busy reading that he didn't bother reply. Finally, Madhav took the book from his hand and placed it back on the shelf, next to another book named, "Lunoire".

"What the-" before Arjun could speak, Krishna placed a finger on his hand while mumbling, "sshh! Someone is coming..."

The plodding of footsteps increased by each passing seconds. It was getting louder only. Madhav took out a pencap from his pocket and threw it in the opposite direction, diverting the man's attention. He held Arjun's hand and sprinted through the small and closely packed room filled with boxes and dust.

"Let me-" Arjun whispered and quickly pulled the book into his hand as Madhav dragged his hand.

But, the novel was still in the shelf while the book beside it went missing.

Madhav smiled to himself, as he knew that the beginning have now begun.

As they came out of the warehouse, there stood a beautifully built, huge building with the board on top mentioning, 'Acharya Drona High school'.

They walked towards it while Madhav took the book from his hand and quickly wrapped it in a red-colored bag.

"Why did you-" Arjun spoke up.

"Leave it," He replied while handing him the bag, "Here. Hold it for me and don't you dare open it before we reach our dorm."

Arjun simply nodded and walked towards the dorms building while a girl bumped into him.

"Ow! What are you doing lady?" Asked Arjun as he held the girl before she could fall on the ground.

"I- am sorry..." She replied as she stood back, stable on her foot.

"You are such a beauty. May I know your name?" commented Arjun.

"Thank you, bro," She took it off as a joke.

"My heart. Call me anything but not, brother!" He replied dramatically.

Krishna cleared his throat purposefully to alert him about his presence.

"Uh- by the way, I have never seen you both here, who are you?" She asked.

"We both just shifted into this city from Hastinapur," He replied.

"He is Arjun and I am Krishna," Introduced Madhav.

"Oh- I am Draupadi," She replied.

"Draupadi? Are you the daughter of Panchal family?" Asked Arjun.

"You got it right. Well I guess, Krishna, you are from Yadav family? My father is in good relation with them. I guess I have met you in childhood...but I don't remember."

Watching them both, Arjun jumped in between the conversation, "Am I invisible?"

"Nope...but I don't know you," Draupadi replied.

"Madhav just gave my introduction. Didn't he?"

"Ah- yes. Well, are you his brother?" She asked while pointing at Krishna.

"Nah- we are childhood friends and now roommates also."

"Uh- then- I- umm-" she hesitated.

"Leave it- and here, your parcel," He handed over her parcel that fell from her hand when she bumped into him.


"Wait! wait! Parth, this parcel is yours, the other one is hers," Madhav replied as he took out a chewing gum from his pocket, unwrapped then started chewing it.

"No! I remember it well..."

"Come on. I am telling you!" Krishna cut him off in between.

"As you say," He replied while handing over the other bag.

The three bid each other farewell and walked their ways...

Everything went fine except the time, when suddenly the red parcel started shinning in Draupadi's chamber.


To be continued...

I hope that I haven't bored you much...hehe *nervous laughter*

A small cliffhanger...hehehehee...


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