Ep2: The Beginning of the Beginning

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Arjun's dorm...

From Arjun's POV

I jumped back on my couch after a long time of organising furniture into our room. Madhav was busy sleeping in a weird posture in our bunk bed, with one hand supporting his head up.

"Dude, are you trying to look like Lord Vishnu?" I asked.

"I don't need to look..." He replied.

I just ignored as he is always like that. But I wouldn't like him any other way... He's the best! I don't know what spirits possessed me that I suddenly hugged him, making him choke.

"Bro, what have I done that you are torturing me like this?" He questioned with a choked voice.

I broke the hug and just shrugged like 'nevermind me' and sat on the chair in front of my study table. My glance fell on the red parcel and the Potterhead inside me woke up again. I took the parcel and tore open it.

As I started reading it, I felt strange. The book had sentences like, 'Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life.'

"What the hell- what is cell doing in Harry Potter?" I screamed.

"Dude, Harry Potter is made up of cells. Haven't you studied Biology?" Krishna replied from behind, still lying in his weird posture.

"Wait...are you kidding me?"

"Nah! I am not. Harry was made up of cell." Replied Madhav in a sarcastic tone.

I turned the book back only to find that it was biology textbook. I rushed to Krishna and shook him out of his sleep.

"Hey sleepyhead! Look! I told you that it was her book!" I said with a stern voice.

"Then return it. Simple!"

"I don't even know where she resides! You are talking as if I will open the door and she will be waiting for me at entrance!"

"When did I said so... You are a bonehead... Just leave it. Return it tomorrow.", He replied calmly.

"You are saying as if nothing happened."

"Nothing happened yet...but is about to happen. And is bound to," He murmured.

I could do nothing except thinking about my bad taste when it comes to friendship...


Night time...

3rd person POV

Clear nightsky, with small twinkling stars and a crescent moon. Came a shooting star from space that fell on the soft grass of a playground, crashing into it with a boom!
A celestial figure stood in between the dust arising on the ground, chanting in a sing-song way, "Narayan, Narayan." With an instrument in hand that produced sound everytime he clenched his fist.

"What a crash landing dude," Said Krishna, walking towards him with hands on back.

"Greetings to the Almighty!" The figure replied with folded hands.

"Sage Narada, can I know the reason that you had to land onto Earth like that-" Madhav chuckled.

The sage walked out of the smog-filled air and again chanted, "Narayan, Narayan, do you really deem me as ignorant that I would believe that you don't know my purpose of sudden arrival?"

Krishna chuckled, "I do know, but, umm... hearing it from your pious mouth, I consider it better."

"Stop with the jokes already, my Lord."

"Alright. Say."

"Is it the correct time? We have found the guardians."

"Yes..." Krishna replied in a serious tone. "The time has come."

"As you wish my lord," He greeted him once again before disappearing.


In Draupadi's chamber...

Suddenly the red parcel kept on the table started to vibrate in a noticable rate. It's vibration shook the table. Plodding of the parcel was heard. All of a sudden, the parcel burst open and a book came out from its shell, now flying in the air. It's pages flipped by themselves. Words started to shine and fly out of the book, wandering around in a spiral. Those words gathered to form a human like figure, shining at its brightest. The words soon merged into a young man and the dazzling light faded. He opened his eyes with a divine smile adorning his face. Walking forwards, he smoothly brushed his hand on Draupadi's head as she was asleep. The centre between his two eyebrows gleamed and a glowing blueish light emerged from it, Draupadi's dragon shaped necklace glinted. The figure soon disappeared and after some seconds, her necklace also stopped glowing as its radiation was soaked by her heart...

The book fell back on its place with a thump, waking Draupadi. She looked around only to find nothing strange. The figure was none than of the person, on whose birth, all the knights guarding prison had fell asleep...she was just one. Not a big deal...


The ever-calm river of Ganga was enraged today by a thunderous storm. Something heavy splashed in the water, creating ripples. A figure, struggling hard to swim back to the surface but pushed back by the raging waves. He tried his best to keep afloat with his two hands and legs trying to get back to the shore, but maybe it wasn't what Ganga wished. Water entered his mouth and his chest felt heavy. All he could see was the water around him and the oxygen bubbles that left his mouth. Everything went blurry. The river od Ganga adorned his neck with the pendant, he had held in his clenched fist, that opened up by itself to help his body swim up but in vain. The pendant gleamed in his neck as he sunk deeper in water...

He clenched on the bedsheet, sweating heavily. His eyes squeezed tight, with heavy unstable breathe. He woke up shivering and peeped from the upper floor of the bunk bed at Madhav, who was sleeping peacefully.

"Just a nightmare? What's to be afraid of..." He mumbled to himself and went back to sleep.

Madhav slowly whispered, "It's time. Let powers unfold."


Hehehe...*nervous laughter*

This chappy was quite weird...I hope you don't have problem understanding it...

Now as promised...I am going to reveal something about the story...that only a few peeps know...

You wondered that how would they fight the war, cuz they not going to use swords in modern times—so actually...

They are going to be....

Such a unique concept? Eheheh thank my brain cells....


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