Ep3: Supernatural force

540 41 342


3rd person POV

"Parth!" Yelled Madhav.

Arjun replied half-asleep. "What?"

"Aren't you going to school? Just look at that dusty clock, just tell me the last time you cleaned it..." He stated while shaking Arjun's body.

"Dude, stop those earthquakes first," he turned to the other side with an irritated groan.

"You aren't waking up?"


"Okay, then..."

Parth thought that he can sleep peacefully now but Madhav held a mischievous glance. He took up a newspaper and rolled it into a microphone.

Then climbing the bunk bed's stairs, he shouted into his ear through that newspaper or so called microphone. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

As a sudden reaction, Arjun pulled back his leg, with a friendly kick, although it shook Krishna's balance and he also held Arjun as the two rolled down the bed.

"My. Back. Ow!" Yelled Madhav as he pushed him aside and threw his pillow on his face in disgust.

"Dude..." Arjun dodged the pillow. "You were the one to pull me. Now throwing pillows at me? Not fair."

"You need more beating!" Krishna replied as he took another pillow and started beating him up with it.

Parth also dodged back with his pillow as the best friends engaged in a pillow fight. Madhav threw him to the ground and smacked him with his pillow. Soon, anger turned into fun as the chamber already had became a mess with cotton balls flying all over...


The bell rang... Madhav got up as Arjun went to open the door without caring about the mess in their dorm. There stood a familiar girl...

"Draupadi?" Arjun asked.

"Uh- I came at the wrong time... Sorry- I will go now. You two, continue," she stared blankly at the two with a nervous smile and a hung open mouth.

"Uh huh- Wait! Wait! Don't mind us," Arjun replied as he shook his head to remove the cotton fabric stuck on them as if a horse after bathing.

"Uh- leave it. I just came to return this," she replied as she passed forward the book.

"Huh? This book is not mine..."

Madhav walked up till him and took the book from her hand.

Arjun gave him a perplexed look as Madhav nudged his elbow on him and said. "Come on dude! You have a forgetful memory!"

"Me or you?" His face turned straight.

"Not that expression again..."

"If you two are done, can you return my Biology textbook? I guess our parcels switched last time you bumped into me," Draupadi said pointing towards Arjun.

"I bumped into you? You are a terrible lier-" He exclaimed. "I thought beautiful people are honest!"

"Then you have useless thoughts...mister," She chuckled.

"Then won't you be my mistress?"

"Are you for real?"

"Why do mortals always do that?", Questioned Madhav.

"Huh?" Arjun looked at him with a seriously amazed look.

"What 'huh'?" He turned away.

"You are weird. For sure."

"I can't do anything about that-"

"Not again-" Draupadi interrupted. "Well here, your schedule."

She handed him the schedule for classes and he stared at it before Madhav snatched it from him. "Dude, let me read first."

"As you wish," he gave a stern look and rolled his eyes.

Draupadi sighed thinking the immortal fight of two mortals and just left silently.

"Weirdos!" She mumbled to herself.

"I heard that!" Squealed Arjun as he peeped out to look at her walking further.

Chemistry class...

"Such a waste! I don't even know where the laboratory is and Professor Drona sent me to get him chemicals..." Arjun mumbled to himself

His eyes wandered in all directions in search of a chamber with 'Chemistry Laboratory' written outside. After wandering a lot, he stopped by the cafeteria to relax.

"Shall I ask someone for the way?" He mumbled to himself and entered the cafeteria to search for help.

It was all empty but he heard some weird noises coming from the kitchen.

"We are already late! Now come please!" A manly voice yelled.

"Just let me eat one more laddoo!" Another male voice replied.

Arjun slowly peeped inside while opening the gate a little. A strong muscular male wrapping one of his heavy-looking hand on the shoulder of another person who was trying to stop him from eating.

"Eavesdropping is a bad habit, bro," someone placed a hand on Arjun's shoulder.

An astonished Arjun turned back to find two more students from his class, one with a calm composture and other looking like a nerd with glasses.

"Don't be afraid. I am also a student here. Professor Drona sent me to help you as you didn't returned for a long time and I was passing by when I thought about checking on my little brother Bheem and we met here coincidencely," he narrated with a calm composture.

"Who's Bheem?" Arjun asked passing glances at the muscular man who was quite suitable for that name.

"There, the one wrapping his hand around Nakul," Sahadev pointed out.

Arjun estimated the other person, wrapped in arms, to be Nakul.

"Wait! wait! This is so confusing! Who's who?" Arjun raised his eyebrows.

"Oh-you got poor memory dude!" Bheem replied as he gave a hard patt on his back almost making him fell.

"You guys are crazy. Why on earth do I always get such classmates!" He yelled to himself.

"Not our fault, weirdos attracts weirdos, so you are the weirdo here," Nakul blabbered.

"Whatever. Get aside now," stated Arjun as he moved forward towards the chemistry laboratory with the help of the calm one, Yudhisthir.

"Just wait outside, I will get the chemicals. Okay ice cube?" Parth asked as he opened the entrance door of the lab.

"Okay but who's ice cube?" Asked Yudhisthir.

"You! Who else is here?"

Yudhisthir pointed at himself.

"Yes. Now wait here."




Arjun went inside to search for the required material. Searching through the test tubes and flasks, he finally found it.

As soon as he held the flask, an earthquake struck...

Precap: Supernatural powers awoke...

To be continued...


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