You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 11

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Sorry for the long wait

School piling up and everything... 




I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned and looked at Temari.

"I don't think it's time to be relaxing. No matter how terrible this person is." She told me, I blinked and looked at the screen. 




Heh, lets have some fun.


I proceeded to the arena, with my sand gourd on my back. My eyes were clam for now but who knows what will happen on the heat of the battle?

She was a girl of my age, with luscious black hair and green eyes, I scoffed lightly.

"GO MAI-CHAN!!!" Her teammates yelled at her.

I looked up at my own teammates and they smiled and nodded, I exhaled, good enough.

"Go on Yuzuki-san!" My head snapped up and I blinked at the Blond Konoha Ninja on Shikamaru's team, Ino, I think.

"Yeah! Go Yuzuki-san!" Choji yelled.

"Shikamaru! You cheer too!" Ino hissed at Shikamaru,

He sighed, "Go Yuzuki, win! Even though this is really troublesome!"

"Ugh you are so totally lazy Shikamaru!" Ino scolded.

I smiled slightly as I lowered my head.

"The battle between Yuzuki of the Sand and Tsuki Mai of the Grass, please begin!"

Mai slipped some kunai out of her sleeve and threw them at me, the sand just stopped them from going any further, she swerved around the sand when it came to get her.

"No you don't!" She laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh shut up and die already you stupid bitch." I snapped.

Temari and Kankuro burst out laughing from the balcony.

I put my hand out and glared, "Die already."

She made some hand signs, "Grass style! Grass vines!" Out of the ground some green vines tied themselves around my leg.

I sighed, "Stupid bitch ain't dying."

I flexed my wrist casually as she came to run for me.

"Shouldn't you be taking this seriously?!" She yelled.

You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic/Gaara Love Story) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now