You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 5

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Yuzuki’s POV

*****HUGE TIME SKIP OF … 5 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!***** …LOL…


I lay down on the comfy bed without falling asleep, and sigh, it was almost time to go for the chuunin exams and attack Konoha.

Suna and Konoha had made a peace treaty, so why are we going to take over Konoha?

I have no idea.

And honestly don’t care.

“Yuzuki. Do you want to sleep?” I hear Gaara asking from the chair.

“I wish. But it only works when I talk to my Shukaku. I haven’t been hearing from him.” I say monotone.

“Try.” He says, I silently sigh and nod.

‘You there?’

I hear nothing.


‘Where have you been?’

‘Nowhere. Right here.’

I sigh at his response.

‘Can you let me sleep?’

‘Only if the other Shukaku is close to you. You need that and then you can sleep, him too.’ My eyes widen.

‘How… Close exactly?’

‘… Very close. Bye.’

He break our connection, and I sigh in frustration.

“What did he say?’ Gaara asks.

“… Yeah… If you are close… Very close…” I laugh awkwardly.

He turns and looks at me, “Hn.” He gets up and falls on the bed grabbing my wrist, pulling me into his chest, I breathe raggedly.

Too… Close.

“Sleep.” He commands, I nod against him and close my eyes, hearing his slow breaths next to me.

My mind starts switching off, to sleep.



“Gaara? What’s that…?” I ask sleepily.

“Nothing, go to sleep.”



“Temari! Kankuro! Go away or I’ll kill you!” Gaara hisses.

“Crap! Run Temari!”

*Footsteps run.*


I hear Gaara growl again, “Temari!”


I ignore it and fall into a deep sleep.

I open my eyes slowly and muttered incoherent words. I look up slightly and see Gaara looking down on my, his arms still wrapped around me like I was a delicate china doll.

You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic/Gaara Love Story) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now