You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to All My Amazing Fans!!!!!!

Gaara’s POV

I can’t believe what just happened, that’s…We’re best friends.

I need help…


I was in the kitchen biting my sandwich that Yuzuki made for me, Kankuro walked in and grinned at me.

“Hey little brother…” He grinned. Oh no, he has an ‘I have an idea’ look on his face.

“Kankuro.” I nodded in greeting.

He grabbed a chair and sat next to me. “So… You really like Yuzuki right? Come to me with all your girl troubles!” I cough, choking. “Gaara!? Are you okay?” He laughs.

I glare at him, “Yeah, Yuzuki is my best friend, of course I really like her.” I say.

“Come to me and I’ll sort out all your boy troubles!” I hear Temari say from the living room. What are they talking about?

“AND ME TOO! I WANT TO HELP GAARA!” Kankuro yells to her, loudly…


“DEAL! MWA HA HA!” Kankuro cackles, I stare at him.

What are they planning?


Oh no, I hope Kankuro actually can help me with this…

I walk up to Kankuro on the couch and nudge him.

“Ga-Gaara?” He says in disbelif.

I sigh, “I need help.”

“Help!? With what?!” He jumpes up.

“With… Yuzuki.” I say. He stares at me then his face pulls into a huge grin.

“YES!!!!” I glare at him and he shuts up, telling me to sit down. “So, what happened?”

I sit and sigh, “I… Kissed her.”

He stares at me again, “You… OH MY KAMI YES! FINALLY!” He fistpumps and I shake my head. I came to this idiot for help?

“What do I do?”

“Little brother.” I see an evil glint in his eyes, “I think you are ready…”

I tilt my head in confusion. “For what?”

“For… ‘THE TALK’!”

Oh kami, this can’t be good.

Yuzuki’s POV

I felt a mix of emotions, I felt warm. But Gaara is my best friend!


I sat down next to Temari, “Is it okay that I’m staying here?” I asked.

She looked surprised, “Yeah! Of course! Plus Gaara really likes you…” She giggled.

“Likes me? Oh yeah I am his best friend.” I said.

Temari facepalmed, “Uh… Yeah sure… But if you ever feel something, just come to be and I’ll sort out your boy troubles!”

I blinked and choke on my water, coughing loudly. What do I say back to that?

“AND ME TOO!!!! I WANNA HELP GAARA!” Kankuro shouted from the kitchen.

You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic/Gaara Love Story) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now