You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 2

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Yuzuki’s POV

I grab Gaara’s hand as he drags me somewhere, I’m not sure where.

“Gaara? Where are you taking me?” I ask simply, the redhead turns his head and grins.

“I’m gonna take you to my uncle Yashamaru! He’s really nice. And treats me nice, he will like you too!” I blink, like me?

“Really?” I ask.

He nods, “Yep! And I wanted to ask… You do have emotions right?” I blink at his question.

“Yes I do.”

His head tilts, “Why don’t you look happy right now? I’m taking you to someone nice! Are you not happy Yuzuki?” He pouts, I blink again.

I cant handle his pout… I'm his age but… Damn its too much

“I’m very happy Gaara, I just am… Cautious…” I answer back.

“Really!?” He beams.

I fight the urge to smile back, “Really.” He laughs and pulls me along to a house.

“Uncle Yashamaru! I want you to meet someone!” Gaara bangs on the door, I shiver.

What if this ‘Yashamaru’ doesn’t like me?

The door opens to reveal a man with sandy blonde hair, and kind grey eyes, this is… Yashamaru?

“Gaara-kun? Who’s this?” I breath in and out, slowly.

“Uncle Yashamaru! This is Yuzuki! My best friend!” I blink at the word of ‘best friend.’ I guess I am… Right?

“Oh,” Yashamaru’s eye widens, “I’m Yashamaru, I am glad that Gaara has a friend.” He smiles at me.


It doesn’t look real, it looks… Fake.

But that must be just me.

I reach out to shake his hand, and I nod to him.

“You don’t talk much do you?” He asks, I shake my head.

I never had anyone to talk to, so I’m not used to it.

Later that day, I left Yashamaru’s home, and went back to my small apartment, I couldn’t intrude too much, it still didn’t feel right, being with people. I shook my head of these thoughts and sighed quietly.

I couldn’t see Gaara as the type to be hated, he was too sweet, to kind, happy. I walked out of my apartment and walked down the road, I got sent dirty glares, per usual.

“Monster! Get out of Sunagakure! You don’t belong here!” I cringe slightly at the words being thrown at me and I carry on walking. I don’t even know where, just someplace, somewhere.

“Monster! Go away!” I hear and feel a sharp edge hit me, I stumble and fall on the ground, spotting the small dagger plunged in my thigh, I grimaced and pulled it out, cringing at the pain. I threw it at the ground and hobbled down the road, my blood streaming down my leg, trickling onto the ground. I stumble onto a rock and fall, beads of sweat on my cheeks.

I can’t walk much further…

I spot a small area and pull in a deep breath.

It’s worth a try…

You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic/Gaara Love Story) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now