Divorce Lawyer

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Outlast hero, Walrider 

Izuku and Katsumi had escaped the Hilltop Insane Asylum after sneaking in. They are facing the consequences of their actions during the event.

Divorce Lawyer

A lawyer was sitting in the Midoriya resistance with Izuku, Katsumi and their parents Inko and Mitsuki.

Izuku was begging Katsumi to reconsider. "Please. We can work this out!" Izuku said, folding his 8 fingers. His left ring and right pointer having been cut off in the asylum. "I love you."

"Sweetie, maybe it would be best to show her the video to better explain." Inko said.

Izuku grabbed his laptop and pulled up the GoPro footage of the night in the asylum. "Marry me. If we're gonna die here let it be without regret." Izuku's voice said, his bloody hands holding up Katsumi's face.

"Yes." She said, It showed the freaks of the asylum surrounded by a preacher on a crucifix cheering.

"Will you marry us?" Katsumi asked the preacher, holding Izuku's hand.

"Of course my child." The preacher said "Anyone got a ring?"

One fucked up chick had handed Izuku a ring while a guy handed Katsumi one. "Join hands." The preacher said.

The ceremony had been said and recorded by the GoPro's one both teens foreheads. "By the power vested in me and by the grace of the holy spirit I now pronounce these two souls as one. Let their love weather the storms in the name of the spirit! You may kiss the bride!"

The two kissed and the crowd cheered.

The video was paused and Inko and Mitsuki had teared up. "So beautiful." Inko said as her tears shot up like a fountain.

"Damn kid you've got some balls." Mitsuki said "I've seen this video like five times and I'm still crying like a bitch."

"Well the preacher was registered." The lawyer said "The both of you could try and make it work. Men are a rarity nowadays."

"We were traumatized by something in that place. I thought I would die!" Katsumi said looking down at the ring on her finger gold, blood stained and a size too big but at the time she was happier than ever. "I want a divorce."

"May I watch the rest of the clip?" The lawyer asked

"It gets pretty graphic." Katsumi said, looking down.

The lawyer pressed play and the video showed the preacher telling them about the basement and the key on the table. "I'm going down there. We can make it out."

"No. I'm not going down there." Katsumi's voice cracked "Please, stay here, spend these last few hours before the Walrider kills us in the safety of these freaks."

Izuku's voice had gained a little base. "We will walk out of here. I promise."

Katsumi started crying. Izuku captured her lips with his.

"If you survive... I'll take your last name." Katsumi said "If you die your headstone will be Izuku Bakugou."

"I shall return Katsumi Midoriya." Izuku said, grabbing the key.

The video was fast-forwarded to the hidden lab and Katsumi couldn't bring herself to watch so she left the room.

The scientist explained the nano swarm and Billy. Izuku shut off the life support and was thrown around by the swarm before limping his way back to the freaks being gunned down by SWAT and healing before the video cut out.

"Sorry that part of the battery ran out." Izuku said as the video returned to a gory scene of the SWAT in pieces. 

"Thank you. Now I need you to destroy my research. Erase the horrid research here and kill me. Make sure what happened here cannot happen again." The scientist said "I pray whatever is on the other side is merciful."

The camera nodded as Izuku's hands were around the old man's throat. Crushing it with surprising ease.

The video showed Izuku rushing to get to Katsumi and the final scene was of him walking out to a car in the front of the asylum with keys still inside. "You good to drive?" Katsumi asked.

The camera nodded.

The lawyer closed the laptop and Mitsuki called her daughter back in.

"Well I can see you two have had a tragic experience. I would recommend waiting a few months after you've both healed and gotten therapy." The lawyer said "It was an experience meeting you Miss, Mr and Mrs Midoriya and Miss Bakugou."

Katsumi groaned as Izuku had pulled out the money for the time. "I'd feel really bad taking that. This one was on me. Call if you ever need a Lawyer."

"Thank you Miss Walters." Izuku said.

"Please call me she-hulk." She said before leaving.

"So what now?" Mitsuki asked "Do you two want some privacy to consummate the union?"

"No!" Katsumi yelled red faced.

"I actually have a meeting scheduled with a video game company." Izuku said face equally red "If you want to later we could."

"I am not sleeping with you!" Katsumi screamed.

Izuku slouched but didn't start crying.

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