the swarm

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Izuku was sitting in class listening to the teacher discuss colleges. "You all want to be heroes!"

The students cheered including Izuku which had confused everyone that knew him. After the escape from the asylum Izuku hadn't stuttered or flinched at all. He had responded to insults with wit.

"Yes yes you all have great quirks but you know the laws." The teacher said.

"Yeah everyone here needs to face the fact their quirks are to useless to get anywhere as a hero and everyone minus my beautiful wife Katsumi is too stupid to get into UA let alone a college with a good hero program." Izuku said "I look forward to the burgers you people flip and seeing how well you scrub toilets."

Everyone looked back at Izuku like he had grown a second head.

"Did...did we just get insulted? By Deku of all people?!" One asked.

"I think I'm going insane." Another said.

"Did he say wife?" 

"Men can't have quirks." Katsumi said glaring at him "And stop calling me your wife!"

"Why are you wearing a ring?" One of her extras asked, pointing at her hand.

"Shut up, that's why!" Katsumi shouted.

"I don't need a quirk." Izuku said grinning "I've got science and training."

The day ended and Katsumi had cornered Izuku. "Stop calling me your wife!"

"Stop pretending you hate the idea." Izuku said grinning.

"And stop thinking you can join UA." Katsumi said hate filling her eyes.

"It isn't Thinking babe. it's knowing." Izuku grinned.

'what monster did that asylum create?' Katsumi thought as the normally timid kid afraid of her was actually throwing comebacks. "Stay out of my way, Deku."

"Never was Spitfire." Izuku said "I'm behind you all night long."

Katsumi growled and marched off.

Deku changed. The man that walked out the asylum wasn't the sniveling worm that went in with her.

But Katsumi wasn't the same either. She had realized those fuckers in there were quirkless yet still had enough strength to shrug off her explosions like they were a slight breeze.

 She had realized those fuckers in there were quirkless yet still had enough strength to shrug off her explosions like they were a slight breeze

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Just the thought of her explosion to the face literally doing nothing to that behemoth of a man had a weird urge to hide.

Hide behind Deku of all things. Like a part of her wanted his arms around her. She really hated that feeling.


Izuku was walking down the road smiling like an idiot.

A movement out the corner of his eye had sent his body into fight mode.

A mass of sludge had approached and Izuku smirked 'time to show what I'm made of.'

A single clap had sent the sludge splattering around the area. "What the hell?!" The sludge Villain screamed as the pieces of the sludge we're pulling into a vortex and a plastic bottle that was on the ground was used to pack her into it.

"I am here!" All Might, in all her glory stood there and noticed the bottle in the hands of...a male?!

"Here." Izuku said grinning as the bottle was tossed to the Number One Hero.

All Might had looked around trying to understand what happened. "Did...did you capture this Villain? Alone?"

"Yep!" Izuku smiled.

All Might had looked the boy over. 'Average build, average face, male.' All Might was trying to comprehend what she was looking at. 'Missing a few fingers.'

"May I ask how?" She asked.

"Like this." Izuku said as she was lifted off the ground.

" Izuku said as she was lifted off the ground

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"What the fuck!"

"Cool hu?" The boy asked smiling.

"You... have a quirk?" All Might asked. 'Was this 'their' doing?'

"No." He said.

All Might looked between the thing holding her up and the boy.

"We need to talk." She said.

"Yeah why are you missing half your lungs?" He asked tilting his head.

All Might watch this figure currently holding her enter her mouth and into her lungs. "Wait..."

The shriveled organ being ripped apart and put back together by what felt like an army.

All Might couldn't breath. Her vision was covered in spots.

The light was fading...

Until the pain had suddenly *pop* went away.

With an intake of breath, clearer then ever, she had regained consciousness.

"Hey sleeping anorexia." He said.

"Wha-" All Might had looked down at herself.

"I healed your lungs." He said.

After checking herself she had taken a few breaths and seem to zone out

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After checking herself she had taken a few breaths and seem to zone out.

"All Might?" He asked.

"I gotta go!" All Might said jumping off.

"She left the bottle." Izuku said watching her fade off into the distance. He shrugged and walked off to take it to the police.

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