Lab Rats

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Bear, Dog, Mouse. That was the first guess.

Polar Bear, Wolf, Honey Badger. Was a more accurate. A stoat was accurate.

Nezu was a lab experiment to study quirks in other mammals.

His genome had created something greater then it's parts.

A monster.

One that he had harnessed after Nozomi had gotten him free in exchange for her life. He took the name of her brother she had often compared the two.

Walking into the classroom was full of students all stiff and quiet.

Nezu could hear something.

A swarm of something. Shifting like sand and buzzing like bees.

Walking into the next class the floating mass behind the only male student in the class was what Nezu had been looking for.

Walking into the next class the floating mass behind the only male student in the class was what Nezu had been looking for

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"Students we have an opportunity to be interviewed by the principal of UA." The teacher said.

"Yes we are looking into young minds with potential." Nezu said keeping his eyes off the mass behind the boy.

The features he could see at a glance was the missing two fingers, the green hair and the freckled face. A ring on the remains of the finger made of gold.

"I have only one question before we begin the actual process." Nezu said "What Am I?"

"A mouse?" "Dog?" "Bear?" "Adorable?"

"Experiment 728463 Nedzu "Nezu The Rat God" Nozomi. Principal of UA and number 15 rank hero." The Green Haired one said.

The stoat had slowly turned his head towards Midoriya and smiled. "Oh hello sir. What is your name."

"Izuku Midoriya." Izuku said.

Nezu had looked around from his spot standing on a chair and a few notes from Izuku's desk.

Nezu asked to see his notes and as the class was spoken to by the two teachers that arrived.

"Hey Sleeping Anorexia." Izuku said.

"So this is the guy." A purple haired woman said "Such a cutie."

Nezu ignored the behavior as he flipped through the notebook. Chemical formulas to change Midnights quirk, a Pencil sketch of Aizawa, a mix that could prevent endeavor from Extinguishing her flames.

"Son!" Nezu shouted.

"HU?!" The group shouted.

Nezu pulled a notebook out his shirt and held it up. "Anarchist Quirkbook No:14."

Katsumi looked between the two and paled as Nezu had started talking about his notebook.

That damn notebook?! Really?!

"Judging by the number there are 12 more of yours I would love to read." Nezu said.

Izuku pulled out 10, 11, and 12.

Nezu was letting out a squeaking laugh as he flipped through them.

After school

The three teachers had all met up in the UA meeting room.

"So much fucking nothing!" Eraserhead said. "Half the bitches were talking about their quirks and when asked what they were doing to train I got a blank stare."

"Young Midoriya was impressive." All Might said. "They both were actually."

"So the green ones married." Midnight said pouting.

"They are divorcing which will be finalized after UA starts." Nezu said throwing his notes from the interview onto the table.

"So what about this swarm thing?" Midnight asked "I didn't see anything."

"I did." Nezu said "A flying mass just behind Izuku."

"Did you see his hands?" Aizawa said "Kids clearly a lab experiment."

"It couldn't be. He couldn't have gotten it from...HIM." All Might said seeming to be having flashbacks.

"We got his records." Aizawa said pulling out a flash drive "Quirkless. Marriage Registration. History of conflicts as an instigator."

Nezu was silent as he thought on the next course of action.

Bakugou residents

"Brat get dressed we're going out to eat." Mitsuki said.

"Why?" Katsumi shouted.

"My son-in-law has some news he wants to discuss over dinner."

Katsumi let out a long exhale.

"Come one you married him." Mitsuki said.

"I don't wanna talk to him."

Midoriya household

"They bought it!" Izuku said showing his mother the letter. "Red Barrels bought my recordings and there making a game out of my go pro footage."

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