My night out

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It's the next day and I get ready to go to uni with Hyejin, and I tell her all about what happened last night. She couldn't believe her ears after hearing I got Min Yoongi's number. We get to school, and meet up with our other friends and they tell us that they're going out at a club tonight, as it's Friday. I'm reluctant to go as I have work the following morning but they insist that I come with them, so I anxiously say yes, as I'm not a fan of loud and crowded places.

The day goes on, and I come into the house and tell my Grandma that I'm going out tonight with friends, and gives me a big smile as she's happy knowing that I'm making friends and being social with others.

As I sit on the couch exhausted I thought to myself about whether my Grandma saw the car outside the house last night. "Halmeoni! Do you remember the car that was outside last night, have you seen it before?" as I increase my voice's volume as I talk to her from the living room whilst she's in the kitchen. I wonder what Yoongi was doing here last night. "Yes" she said "He has relatives that live a few houses down" My mouth drops as I listen to this news "He comes every now and then, whenever he's free" My Grandma exclaims, as I sit in front of the TV in utter disbelieve at this coincidence.

She lives on her own since Grandad passed away, so she's friendly with the neighbours and knows about the latest gossip. I'm in complete shock and want to know more, so I ask "Have you ever met him?" waiting for her answer, "No not yet. Maybe I will if you two get together" she jokes, as she gives me a wink from across the kitchen, "PAHAHA I wish!!" knowing that it will never happen.

I get up and help Grandma make dinner before I head out and go to the club. We eat together and I go up to the loft to get ready. I rummage through my wardrobe for a fancy outfit. I pick out a sheer black long sleeve crop top with a high neck, it has angels on it, and another plain white crop top to go underneath. Both tight fitting. I then take out a pair of black flares that hug both my waist and thighs. I give myself big loose curls that start midway from my roots. I put on some light makeup, nothing fancy, just some lipgloss and mascara, and do a soft winged eyeliner, but with eyeshadow to make it look more natural. I put on my small heeled white glossy boots and grab my little white purse to go with it, and go downstairs to say farewell to my Grandma.

"I'm leaving now Halmeoni!" I said as I opened the door to see her sitting on the couch and watching TV "Be safe, don't stay out too long. I love you Kang Jiyoung!" as I begin to close the door "I love you more!" I shouted, whilst leaving to take the bus after meeting up with Hyejin.

We arrive at the club and see our other friends waiting for us outside. We all show our IDs and head inside. As soon as I go in I notice the immensely loud music, and flickering coloured lights that circuit around the club. We take a booth and a few of us go up to the bar and order drinks. I'm quite the lightweight so I didn't order much. A few of us were sitting by the bar whilst the rest were at the booth. We down our shots and take a sip of our cocktails. The two that were with me left to go on the dance floor, but I was too sober to go into the crowd and dance. So I stayed and finished my cocktail.

After another cocktail and a few more shots my body was lit, I look over at the booth but none of my friends were there. The must be on the dance floor. I got up and took my phone with me, anxiously trying to find my friends whilst also waving my arms around to the music. I feel dizzy, my head hurts. I look up to see one of the coloured lights blinding me as I walk further into the crowd. I call Hyejin but she doesn't answer. She must have left her phone at the booth in her purse. I call both guys that were with us. No answer. They must be too drunk to answer their phones. I feel my head spin as I open my messages.

Maria: mR YoOnGLesSsss

Yoongi: ??

Maria: iM on tH dAnCw Flower
Maria: ThE one NeaRESt 2 Te CaF eye woRK @

Yoongi: Are you drunk Maria?

Maria: VErY
Maria: i CanT fimD mY FR.enD5

Yoongi: I'm at the studio, I'm coming to get you. Stay where you are!

I lock my phone and grip it tight as I jump around and dance whilst the music is blasting through my ear drums.

After a few minutes of rummaging through the crowd and making a full circle and still not being able to find anyone, I keep dancing in hopes that one of them will show up in front of me. I look up at the booth, and still no one is there.

As I dance along to the music I feel two hands grip either side of my waist, I turn my head to see it's a random creepy guy, and I shout "Get off me!!" but he can't seem to hear me over the DJ announcing the next song, he won't let of me, as he slides his hands further up my waist and pulls me in closer from behind, I try to pull his hands off. After trying over and over in a struggle, my eyes get teary and I finally break free, and he dances along to another part of the dance floor.

I crouch down with my knees to my chest, my eyes closed, with my head buried into my knees, and hands over my ears having a panic attack, and trying to calm myself down by blocking out the music. My eyes are sealed shut as I take deep breaths in and out.

Someone grabs my wrist and pulls me off the dance floor, my heart flutters as I realise Yoongi really came to my rescue, as I see my bracelet still on his wrist. He's wearing a mask and hat like the other day but this time in casual clothes, I blurt out "YoU LOOk SwaEgGG" even though it's too dark to see his outfit in detail. We head outside of the club whilst he's still gripping my wrist tight and takes me to his car.

He gets in and takes off his mask and hat, and glares at me. "Why did you get so drunk?!" he asks in an intimidating tone I hadn't heard before. A tear starts forming in my eye as I have so my anxiety rushing through my veins.
"I...I'm sorry" I say in a shaky voice still unable to forget the uncomfortable touch I felt. He takes his jacket from the back seat and covers me with it, as I lay my head on the window.

We reach the house, and both his hands are still on the steering wheel, even though the car is in park. "I saw that guy Maria, it could of ended badly" in a slightly nagging voice, as he looks over at me, he seems deprived of sleep as it was two in the morning. He was probably at the studio working all day. I look over at him, making eye contact and tears start to slowly well up in my eyes, "Thank you Yoongi" he looks over at the steering wheel in despair.

I take off the jacket covering my body and Yoongi helps me out the car, he knocks on the door to find my Grandma standing in front of him, she says "Oh thank god she's safe, I was so worried, please help her upstairs to her bedroom up at the loft" in a worrying voice. Yoongi replies "Ok Halmeoni" as I go up the stairs in his arms, my hands are around his neck with my head on his chest and my feet up in the air. I can feel his heart beat.

He opens the door to the loft and sits me on my bed, barely being able to keep myself up right. Yoongi kneels down and helps me talk of my boots, and unzipping them both. He takes them off, lays me down, and covers me with the duvet, tucking me into bed. I'm too drunk and tired to open my eyes as I'm already half asleep.

He sits on my bed and I feel his hand moving the hair out of my face, and gently rubs my cheek with his thumb. I feel weight lift off from the bed, and hear him walking around. I hear my Grandma's voice in the distance and I fall asleep.


That's part 5 i'm sorry this was just as long as the previous chapter. I know that Yoongi isn't very present in the chapters but, this is quiet a slow build up in their relationship.
I hope you enjoyed <333

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