The fan meet

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A/N ~ Disclaimer, i have never been to a fan meet so i have no idea how it works, keep that in mind if something seems off and not how the event is supposed to go, so for now just imagine it like that for the sake of the story :)))

Hyejin and I take the bus as we head to the area of the fan meet, we're impatiently waiting to reach our stop "Did you bring your gifts?" I asked Hyejin, and she laughs "How could I forget that Maria? Why do you ask? did you forget your gifts?" I reply with a smile on my face from ear to ear "Of course I didn't, I packed them last night" We come close to reaching our stop, and Hyejin presses the buzzer.

We hop out of the bus and thank the driver, as we walk to the entrance of the fan meet preparing ourselves for a huge moment in our lives. I've never met a celebrity, however Hyejin has greeted an actor or two but BTS has always been at the top of her list which was the same for me.

It begins to get crowded as we get closer to the stage in which the members will be seated. I start to get nervous and tremble from the amount of noise coming from the fans, and the thought of fumbling on my words from being too anxious.

Time passes by as we wait for them members to come out, Hyejin and I are both fidgeting and can't keep ourselves still from all the build up. Suddenly, the members come out one by one as  screeches and screams come from the fans as they begin to appear. I get increasingly more nervous as the seconds go by, knowing that I'm going to have to actually talk with them. Knowing how awkward I am when it comes to conversing with others scares me, as I'm worried I'll freeze and don't know how to respond.

A member of staff reaches our row as they gesture towards the front, as we sit on the end of the row. "This is it!" I squeal smiling at her, and Hyejin reply's "I know I'm so happy it's finally happening!". We go up the the front of the stage and I give a friendly smile as I reach them.

Taehyung, Hobi, Jimin, Jin, Jungkook, Namjoon and Yoongi. Is the order the members are seated, from left to right. I let out a nervous chuckle as I greet Taehyung, and tell him how much I love his voice, and his sense of style. I reach in my bag and pull out his bracelet and his face lights up, he seems like he likes the gift I made. It made my heart beat faster seeing his smile. This goes on for all the members and I tell them how much I love them, and how great their music is, the amount of impact they have had on my life, and how they're meaningful lyrics got me through some hard times. They all seem pretty cheerful and smiley. Except for Yoongi.

Once I reach the end of the line Yoongi is there, he looks tired as if he doesn't want to be here, and his facial expression is lifeless with no reaction. I surprisingly did most of the talking and he mostly just nodded and stared at me. I finally gave him his bracelet with black, grey, white and clear beads with his name in the middle. I shyly said "I made this for you" and handed it over, he gave me a soft smile, my heart thumbed, and whilst examining the bracelet he said "thanks" and I continue to talk about how cool their rap songs are and how creative he is with his lyrics etc.

Eventually, both me and Hyejin are done with meeting the members and we squeal at each other with excitement about how we just had real conversations with our idols. But Yoongi seemed off, why was he barely giving me any reaction and not even talking with me? Maybe he was just having a bad day, he seemed tired anyway and probably didn't feel like being social. We all have those days, so I quickly forgave the fact that I couldn't get much out of him, and his faint smile made up for it.

I started my job at a cafe in the city a few hours after the meet. Hyejin knows the owner pretty well and hooked me up with the job and told him prior to me arriving in Korea, so I would have a small source of income to get by, as I didn't want to rely too heavily on my parents or Grandma's finances when attending uni as they were already helping me with the cost of tuition and have been doing so for the past 2 years.

I greeted the owner and we get straight to the basics he teaches me how to use the cash register and I play with in for about an hour in between customers, and I eventually get the hang of it. He also began to teach me how to make a few simple drinks that were quite straight forward to make, and we made them together over and over until he's satisfied with the outcome. I go around sweeping and picking up rubbish from the tables as it's the cafes time to close. I go up behind the counter and Hyun Daewon, the owner, cheers "Good job today Maria" laugh under my breath quietly and say "thank you" as I know I made a good impression on him for my first day "You're coming back tomorrow morning right?" he shouts as I'm on my way to the exit "See you then" I wave  as I leave the cafe and take the bus home. He seemed like a nice man, he'll grown on me soon and maybe I'll see him as another uncle for the next year that I'm here.

I go up to the loft exhausted from my busy day, and tiredly get into my pyjamas as I set my alarm for the next morning.


That's the second chapter guys, i hope you liked it. I know Yoongi has been in much yet but he'll be in the upcoming chapters I promise <333

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