Chapter 1: Black eyes(axlee)

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This is the first story that I've written. So please don't be to harsh I put a lot of effort into making this and the following parts. But I really have a passion for writing. Thank you to everyone who will continue to read this book•

My love wasn't that predictable, was it?

I go to an enchanted school for supernatural people. Basically we are suppose to save people with this weird vision. It's hard to explain but, we all have one of four powers. Fire, water, air, and earth. But the school was normal like any other school. Wasn't that exciting for anyone till were 16 anyway ( when we get our powers).

There's always someone popular. And I'm that person, I guess. Then there's the popular boys. Everyone says that the guy named Enzo likes me, he's off the basketball team. He has fire powers, and so do I. Me and Enzo are practically enemies from something that happens years ago from childhood, when we were, friends. We've never forgave each other though.

Enzo is tall around 6'1, he has light brown hair and red eyes. And I'm pretty plain too I'm short 5'0 and I have black hair with red eyes also. Because our family powers determine out eyes.

Until your 16 everyone has brown eyes then one they get their powers that's how you know what power everyone has. Information we learn when in 5th grade. Although most kids knew before then.

"Axlee wait up!" Cassidy called running through the hall. "Woah, woah calm down what happened" I said I little bit shaken up. "It's Monica, she-sh-she got a black eye from Damien" she said fast paced. I start walking to the exit out to the field. "That can't be what happened" I was worried Monica is my best friend. Damien is her ex-boyfriend. I started to get firey red and I bust out the doors to school.

So many thoughts wrap around my head. "Where is she?!?" I'm angry and worried wanting answers. "She went home, she didn't want be here" she said noticing my feelings. I can tell she's feeling the same emotions about Monica but also me. "Don't be worried about me, please I'll text her after school and I'll get answers." I said calmly I smiled at her and the worry came off her face, you could tell. "Ok just don't rush her I saw her before she left she didn't want me to know or really anyone" Cassidy said as we both walk back into school.

As I'm walking in Enzo was walking out he knocked all my books out of my hands I was already steaming and this just makes it worse. He picks them up for me and I ask "what are you helping me for?" I didn't feel like being nice. "Cause I made you drop them. Anyways I have to go." Enzo says irritated that I did not say thank you. "Thank you" I say as he walks away I can tell he smiled but he did not say anything back he just kept walking.

Cassidy looks and me weirdly "since when are you nice to him?" Thinking I'm starting to forgive him " he wanted a thank you so I said it, and that is it." I get to my class and me and Cassidy say bye to each other.


After school I get into my house my mom asked me how my day was and I just said good and ran upstairs to text Monica. I love my mom I just never tell her anything that happens at school. And my one concern was to contact Monica.


Axlee 3:34
Monny are you ok? I heard
You have a black eye plz tell
Me what happened.

Monica 3:38
I'm fine. It's no big deal. No
Need to worry about me.

Axlee 3:45
Monica it's a a big deal to
Me plz just tell me. I know
Who did it anyways so you
Might as well tell me.

Monica 3:48
Fine he got angry at me for bringing
Up A topic up and could not control it
I'm sorry did cass tell you.

Axlee 3:53
Ok thanks I have to go.


I didn't have to go, but I grabbed my mini backpack I take to run Errands. I packed it with the normal things, charger, phone, wallet, and I can't forget my car keys. I changed out of my short sleeve and jeans into comfy shorts I can't wear to school and another t-shirt, I got my all black high top shoes on and went downstairs.

"Honey wait" my mom said stopping me from leaving right away. "Yes mom, do you need something" I said in a hurry "I know somethings wrong just tell me" my mom said worried about me I sort of trust my mom so I made the short and easy story. "Monica got hurt so I want to get her some snacks and go see her, can I please go now." She said yes and I ran out the door.

I went to the gas station cause I needed gas and her favorite snacks are here including a coca-cola flavored slushie, Swedish fish, Twix, and cola gummies.

I care about Monica a lot I relate to her. She gets me I get her. She's the one person who doesn't blame me for not forgiving Enzo for what he did, she didn't forgive him either she just doesn't show it. I needed to get to her house now so I got the snacks paid for gas, and headed over to Monica's house.


I get to Monica's grab the bag of treats and gets out of my car. I lock my car once I got onto the sidewalk and I knocked on her door. Her mom answered the door, and welcomed me in right away. I could tell she wanted to talk to me before I saw her so we went to the kitchen counter. "Do you know what happened to her eye?" She sounded worried. I told her "I don't know why but I do know who, I just-" she stopped me "you don't have to tell me who you can just go see her." I thanked her and went upstairs.

I know which one is Monica's room and I knock on her door. "Mom, I told you I'm fine nothing happened." She says in a respectful voice. Her mom is really kind but she since Monica takes after her and is always nice, she Expects a lot from her. "It's Axlee, mon" I tell her from outside the door. She come opens the door and jumps on me hugging me tightly, not trying to break down into tears. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you as soon as it happened I didn't want you to get to mad" she says as she shuts the door after hugging me. We walk over to her bed and lay down. "it's ok, I can be a tough one" I felt bad that she didn't want to tell me, and that she's sorry about it.

"Hey on the bright side, I'm here and with your favorite snacks" I say in a happy voice.
She sits up and scoots back a little, "what did you get me" she says wiping away her tears.

"Ok well your slushie is downstairs in the fridge, but I got you Swedish fish, cola gummies and a Twix" I pull them out of the bag and hand them to her. She looks at me with her kind eyes then looks away she puts her head on my shoulder. "Thank you for always being here, heh- uhm- I know keeping up with my crap is hard. But you've always been here for me I don't know how you deal with me but you do, thanks for everything." She takes a little break them continues to say "including the snacks" we both chuckle a little. "It's no prob Mon you deal with my crap all the time too, we were just meant to find each other" I say kindly back resting my head gently against hers.

She looks at me in realization that I didn't say "we were meant to be friends" but instead "we were meant to find each other" which to me, are very powerful words.

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