Chapter 3

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I guess liking Demetri makes me dislike Edward a little ... sorry ^^


"Forgive me, please, do come in." Carlisle motioned with his arm and his welcoming smile was slightly apologetic.

I shrugged, it didn't really matter to me where I stood. I hadn't been inside a house in a long time and felt a little strange walking up the few steps of the porch.

The living room was one big area, easy lounge chairs and soft sofa's were situated around a large TV. Several smaller sitting area's made it possible to play chess, or read a book without being disturbed. The glass wall offered an amazing view outside, but what caught my eye was a young girl standing beside an other of those massive wolfs. She was no vampire, but not completely human either, I could hear the fast beating of her heart. Too fast, was she afraid? Her hand rested on the neck of the wolf, that looked at me like the white one had done. Other than that, there was no fear in the girls composure at all, she even smiled a little. I smiled back without thinking twice.

"This is our daughter, Renesmee", Edward said, walking over to the girl, while holding hands with Bella.

At that, my believe drew a line. There was simply no way that someone as young as Bella, could, even in her human life, have had a daughter that was around thirteen years old. Or did she have the baby thirteen years ago? That would make a little sense. Just a little. My mind came up with a thousand possible options, yet none of them seemed any more credible than the implied truth. I needed explanations and looked at Carlisle, the only one who had offered me some of those up till now.

He immediately understood my distress. "Yes, I know, it's very complicated. Sit down, I will try to explain it as best as I can."

Sitting down in a chair had been so long ago, that it took me a while to feel comfortable. The fabric was soft and gave me ample opportunity to slouch. A brief flash of an image of my sister, curled up in a ball in a chair very similar to this one, crossed my mind. A memory from long ago.

The friendly voice of the father figure vampire made me re-focus. "When Bella was still human, she was married to my son, Edward. She became pregnant, even though none of us even knew that was possible. She barely made it, but was turned right after Renesmee was born and as you can see, she's doing perfectly well."

Why in the world would she have wanted to marry a vampire? The second thing, that came to mind a tenth of a second later, made me question her sanity in wanting to marry so young at all. What I asked out loud was: "So, Renesmee is half vampire?"

"Yes. And she is only a little over four years old now. It seems that a human-vampire life only needs seven years to reach maturity."

I came here to learn about vampires, but apparently there was a lot more to that world than I first thought. For example, who were those wolves and what was their connection to the family. I couldn't imagine that their smell was any better for them than it was for me.

Edward chuckled. Again. I glanced his way, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"What's funny?" Emmet yelled, from his seat on the sofa, where he was watching a football game.

"Edward", Carlisle's voice was stern as he eyed his so called son, "it's not polite to keep a guest in the dark."

The grin disappeared and was replaced by a sincere apologetic look. "Forgive me."

My eyes were wide and I was quite willing to forgive, if only I knew what I was forgiving. His face was all scrunched up now.

"How to explain this", he began, his voice slow, as if he were speaking to a child. In fact, I just realized, the tempo of our conversation had lessened considerably since we moved inside. I was really beginning to wonder if this was normal for them or for the benefit of the obvious outsiders.

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