Thor x anxious reader

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to others you seamed like a party pooper, sitting in the corner of the room whilst everyone else partied the night away. out of the corner of your eye you could see tony, drunk and dancing with Steve and Natasha trying to keep him away from his suit, as we all know what happened last time!

you roll your eyes and sigh before berrying your head back into your book. however you could feel a presents lurking, as if someone was watching you and before you could look up a finger appeared on the page you were reading and pushed the book down.

"what are you reading lady y/n?" Thor questioned towering over you.

"t-twilight" you replied timidly.

even though you had known Thor and the other avengers for a while now, and even though you lived together, you had never actually had a full conversation with Thor, which wasn't about battle strategy's. 

"hmm, i have never heard of it before, but then again i guess everything is so different on earth compared to Asgard " he said taking a seat next to you.

"soo? what kinda books do you have on Asgard then?"

"oh well you know: books that teach you about omnipotent relics, how to kill eight headed monsters, books of spells and secrets of Asgard etc." 

"oh.." you said with a shocked look on your face.

there was an awkward silence. 

"so lady y/n are you not enjoying the party?" Thor said trying to shift the topic of the conversation as he could see you were now uncomfortable.

"its ok i guess"

"just ok?" Thor said with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm just not a huge fan of party's... or large crowds that's all. how about you?" you questioned as you put your book down.

"well party's on Asgard are a little different, we don't really do.... well whatever this is."

you let out a small giggle.

"so what are party's like on Asgard then?" you said with an inquisitive look on your face

"well we all sit at a long table and eat the finest food from all of the seven realms" he said with a smile

"so like a banquet?"

"exactly" he said as you both let out a little giggle.

"a drink, my fair lady?" Thor questioned before getting up

"why yes, good sir" you said jokingly 

Thor let out a small laugh before walking away and pulling Bruce over to the bar, you guessed this was because he wanted to know your favorite drink because when he walked back he was holding two ice cold beers.

"for you my lady." he said passing you the beer.


but soon Thor started to notice you seemed more nervous than before and started to get worried as you were pulling an elastic band away from your wrist and letting it go making the skin underneath red and sore.

"lady y/n would you like to take a walk with me?" Thor asked as he stood up and held his hand out to help you up.

"lady y/n?"

you didn't reply, you could barely hear him. all at once the sound went muffled and it got too hot, almost as if there was a huge fire all around you and the walls started to move and get closer and closer until you felt a hand on your shoulder. it was Thor.

"are you alright?" he said as he kneeled down in front of you.

you couldn't say anything as your breathing soon went out of control, so you just shook your head as you started to shake.

"come on, lets get you outside" Thor said helping you up and taking you to the elevator as you cling onto him like a life line.

"Jarvis! take us to the roof" Thor commanded

whilst in the elevator you started to cool down and you soon realised what you where doing, you where clinging to Thor and where as close as can be. whilst clinging to him you could feel all of Thor's strong muscles around you. this was every girls dream, to be hugged in an elevator by Thor, the god of thunder. however him just being there made you feel safe and already more relaxed.  

as soon as the elevator opened Thor rushed you out and sat you down rubbing your shoulders to calm you down.

"can i do anything lady y/n?" Thor questioned as he desperately wanted to help.

"just.. stay with me" you said as you were still struggling to breathe.

Thor sat next to you, he placed his hand on your back and rubbed it gently.

"can you talk?" you said as you started to control your breathing again.

Thor nodded before talking about how Jarvis malfunctioned the other day and was making fun of tony almost like a human.

you let out a small laugh as you had now regained control of your breathing. then you both remembered that you were still holding your beers before taking a swig of it.

"so are you ok?" Thor questioned with genuine concern

"yeah i'm fine, it was just an anxiety attack. that's all"

"i'm sorry, i didn't know you had anxiety, if i had known i wouldn't have left you on your own." Thor said with a guilty look on his face.

"no its not your fault, its mine! i knew tony was throwing a party, i should have just gone to my room" you protested.

"and if anything i should be thanking you for getting me out of there, the others... they don't know i have anxiety attacks."

"why didn't you say anything?"

"i guess i thought that if anyone new, the would think i was weaker" you said looking down at your feet.

"well i think it makes you stronger" Thor said with a smile.

"what, why?" you questioned.

"well it means that even though your scared or anxious, your still putting other people first, because even if you want to run away and hide you still stay to protect innocent people, and that my lady is why it makes you stronger"

suddenly you felt his hand on top of yours and instantly your face flushed a bright shade of fusha but you didn't feel anxious or scared, you felt excited and nervous for what would come next. 

then before you could say anything Thor picked your hand up and kissed it gently before whispering in your ear.

"and that's why i love you"

you both then looked into each others eyes and kissed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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