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Ava Sharp x fem reader
wordcount: 623

Ava pov

"What are you talking about?" i ask as i come into the kitchen to find everyone almost yelling at each other.

"Oh Ava, we're just disgusting how i'm y/n favorite" Ray says with a smile but both Zari and Charlie open there mouths to protest.

"I'm pretty sure i'm her favorite" John says from behind me with a cup in hand. Holding it out to me which I thankfully takes.

"Must be me, i bring her coffee every morning" Mona says with a smile and i let out a small laugh because you don't even like coffee.

"But i listen to her when she says something, she is the co captain of the waverider" Nate says proudly and i must say that he actually listens sometimes.

"I'm her sister, i'm the favorite obviously" Sara says coming in from the corner.

"No offence to all of you but i'm pretty sure Ava is her favorite" Mick says, looking up from his beer.

"What makes you say that, maybe i am" Nate and Mona say in union and look at each other.

"Mick don't" i say and they all look at me.

"What i haven't said anything yet" Mick says, opening another beer.

"What are we talking about?" you say as you slid up behind me. Damn assassins training, just like Sara but you did die, or you just got picked up of the waverider in the new timeline. There's not much record of Nada Parbat so i don't know. But you both had made your way there and you had died while Sara had lived. That's all i know, you don't like to talk about it. As you say, it's in the past.

"How i'm your favorite" Sara says with a cocky smile.

"You're arguing about who's my favorite?" you ask surprised at the fact that they don't know about us. It's not like we're keeping it down, sure form Sara because she's your sister but not from everyone else.

"I'm your sister y/n, it's obvious but now i want to know why Ava is so quiet and don't want Mick to tell you" she says, sitting down by the tabel with the rest of them.

"Sorry captain's order, gotta stay quiet" Mick says and I guess he means you.

"I'm starting to regret agreeing to be co-captains" she says and you chuckle.

"You didn't, i was named Captain and when i got lost in time you stepped up for me for awhile. I'm older than you"

"Not anymore"

"I was born before you dumbass, no matter what time we are i'm older then you" she makes a fake pout as you laugh again.

"Just tell us who your favorite is y/n" Nate says and you wrap your hands around my waist. The only one that's not surprised is Mick.

"I would have to say my girlfriend, or else she would kill me" you say with a laugh and i give you a light punch in the shoulder.

"I won't kill you if you choose your sister babe" i say, making you laugh even more.

"How did i not know you two were dating" Sara says, offended but we just laugh.

"How did you not? They weren't hiding it" Mick says and they turn to him.

"How did you know?" all ask in union.

"He saw us making out on a mission" you and i answer in union this time.

"You made out on a mission?"

"Sorry to interrupt but we have a magical fugitive in Norway wreaking havoc on its inhabitants in 1993" Gideon interrupts the conversation and puts it on a hold for now. You kiss my check before we all head to the bridge.

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