I can't lose her

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Requested: Nope
Prompt: Nightmare becomes reality and all of their lives are thrown into the shitz.
Natasha Romanoff x female reader
Word count: 1 028

The Avengers were in the middle of their monthly training session when Y/n walked in. Everyone was surprised to see her since she had gone out to take care of some personal business. But something was different about her. Her eyes were glazed over, and there was a strange intensity in her gaze.

"Y/n, is everything alright?" Steve asked, noticing her unusual behavior.

Y/n didn't answer him. Instead, she lifted her hand, and a wave of ice zoomed out of it, taking the team by surprise. Everyone jumped out of the way just in time, and Y/n turned on them.

"What the hell? Y/n, snap out of it!" Tony yelled, but before he could say anything else, Y/n blasted him with another ice beam. He was knocked off his feet and landed hard on the floor.

Natasha was quick to react. She launched herself at Y/n, trying to take her down. But Y/n was just as quick, and in a few swift moves, she had Natasha subdued.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Natasha demanded, struggling against Y/n's hold.

"She's not doing anything, agent Romanoff," a voice said from behind them. It was one that Natasha and the other Avengers knew all too well – HYDRA's leader, the Red Skull.

"Red Skull!" Steve growled, his fists clenching.

The Red Skull made his way over to Y/n, who had released Natasha at his command. He placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder, and she relaxed, her expression going eerily blank.

"You see, my dear Captain America, we never forget our debts," the Red Skull said. "And we have one to repay to Y/n here."

"What debt?" Thor asked, his hammer at the ready.

"Two years ago, Y/n was in our custody. But your precious Avengers rescued her before we could complete our experiments," the Red Skull explained. "Now, it's time for us to finish what we started."

He snapped his fingers, and several HYDRA agents arrived on the scene, armed and ready to take down the Avengers.

"Y/n, snap out of it!" Steve shouted, trying to reach out to her.

But it was no use. Y/n was completely under HYDRA's control, and she was using her ice powers to devastating effect. Tony was still down, and Natasha was struggling to hold her own against Y/n and the HYDRA agents.

Steve, Thor, and Bruce were doing their best to fight back, but with Y/n on HYDRA's side, they were severely outnumbered.

"Enough!" the Red Skull commanded, and Y/n stopped the avalanche of ice she had unleashed. "We have what we came for. Let's go."

The HYDRA agents started to retreat, but Y/n lingered for a moment, looking at the Avengers with a mix of confusion and regret.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

And then, just like that, she was gone, disappearing with HYDRA into the night.

"What the hell just happened?" Tony groaned, pushing himself up from the ground.

"We need to find Y/n," Steve said, his eyes flashing with determination.

But it was easier said than done. For weeks, the Avengers searched high and low for Y/n, but there was no trace of her. It was as if she had vanished without a trace.

Natasha was especially affected by Y/n's sudden disappearance. They had only just begun exploring their feelings for each other, and now, Y/n was gone.

"Natasha," Steve said, his hands on her shoulders. "You can't blame yourself for this. Y/n was under HYDRA's control. This wasn't her choice."

"I know that," Natasha said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But it doesn't make it any easier to accept. I just wish we could have done something more."

Days turned into weeks, and the Avengers were no closer to finding Y/n. But then, out of the blue, they received a message from a very unexpected source.

"Avengers," the message began. "I have what you seek. Meet me at the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town at 8 pm tonight. If you don't come alone, I will be forced to take drastic measures."

It was signed by the Red Skull.

The Avengers knew it was a trap, but they didn't have a choice. They had to go and try to rescue Y/n.

When they arrived at the warehouse, HYDRA agents were waiting for them. But the Avengers were ready, and a fierce battle ensued.

Steve was taking on the Red Skull himself, while Tony and Bruce were dealing with the HYDRA agents. Natasha had only one goal – to find Y/n.

And then she saw her. Y/n was standing off to the side, her expression still blank. But something was different this time. There was a hint of recognition in her eyes.

"Y/n," Natasha said softly.

"Natasha?" Y/n whispered, and for a moment, it was as if a light had flickered on in her mind.

Then, before Natasha could react, Y/n's eyes went blank again. The Red Skull had tightened his grip on her, and he was commanding her to attack the Avengers once more.

But this time, the Avengers were ready. They worked together, using their skills to take down the HYDRA agents and destroy Red Skull's operations once and for all.

And when the dust had settled, Natasha reached out to Y/n. Her hand was hesitant, but Y/n took it, and they held onto each other like they would never let go.

"I'm sorry," Y/n said, her voice shaking. "I didn't mean to hurt you all."

"It's okay," Natasha said, her own voice wavering. "You're safe now. That's all that matters."

They stayed there for a long time, not saying anything, just being in the moment. And as the sun began to rise, the Avengers knew that they had come out on the other side of a difficult battle, stronger and more united than ever before.

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