Guess What?

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So, guess what guys?  This book, right here, is going to be published!  I've decided to self publish this book hopefully this year or early next year.  

A lot of changes are going to be made: totally new scenes and chapters are going to be added, extensive editing will be done, and of course a new official cover will have to be designed.  A glossary will also be put in for all you non-horse people out there who still want to read it, to make things easier for you to understand 😉

If you really enjoy reading this book, in it's very rough first draft form, I think you'll like it even better in it's published form.  So excited to share this with you guys!    

The first draft of A Challenge will still remain on Wattpad, but the edited, published version will not be available on here.  To find out more, head on over to A Challenge's Publishing Journey, which will be linked here --->  

Thank you to all that have supported this book on Wattpad!  

A Challenge (MIGHT BE LEAVING WATTPAD SOON)Where stories live. Discover now