Chapter 7

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Friday, August 13, 1400. Noon.

17 people file into the town square, shuffled along by the large crowd and jostled on all sides, front, back, left, right, even down, courtesy of the smaller children and stray dogs.

17 people in colorless, shapeless clothing, their hands shackled behind their back, their feet chained together in one single line with chains that are a dull metal but glow bright blue. One wrong move and they will be sucked underfoot. They know this well. But maybe being trampled by hundreds of feet of all sizes is a better fate than what awaits them. After all, the body, no matter how deep its wounds, heals faster than the heart.

Behind them is another chain. They are not only shackled, but they are blindfolded and gagged. The villagers cannot risk too much. This chain is led by a guard, in a crisp uniform and so many badges that no one dares let him stand in the sun lest he fry himself to death. There's something different about this chain though. This chain stands at half the size of the other one. This chain is a chain of children.

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