Chapter 1: the history before coexistance

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A long, long time ago, two different races, Humans and Anthros (furries) live far away from each other in villages and never knew each other before. But one day, a five-year-old human child was lost in the woods and was scared and don't know how to head back to the human village. Until a female cat furry saw him sitting in front of a tree crying.

She walked to him and helped him out to get home and that's when humans and Furries discovered each other. They started to mingle, trade supplies to each other, and the leaders decided to make a peace treaty to coexist. Furries are like twice the size of humans like a six-foot human can only reach to a height of a chest of a furry since furries can be a little taller than six feet tall. And a small human child can barely reach the knees of a furry adult. However, sometimes no one is perfect, some humans feared the furries since they were a little bigger and stronger than them and become prejudice to the furries. Like a small human group turn to be anti-social to the furries and went too far and killed a furry that stood up to them. After what happened, the human village decided to execute the humans that attacked the furries by hanging and has to make a law that human shouldn't kill a furry or they will be executed. All the humans visited the furry village and gave them supplies as a gift and asked for forgiveness. The furries accepted them easily since they understand that no one is perfect either and decided that coexistence will be stronger if they merge the villages together.

Years have passed for many generations, more villages and towns were built, more and more furries and humans living together and coexisting. Interspecies laws that allow humans and Furries to cross breed. Furry rights, cities, equality, population growth, peace agreements.


Now today.... The world was at perfect peace and humans and Furries coexist perfectly. Now the story begins with a human child named Harold. He was abandoned as a new born, and now he lives in a orphanage. There's a law if a human child was abandoned by their biological parents or taken away from them, only furries can adopt human orphans since furries have better parenting skills than humans do. Like a furry couple can adopt a human child, but a interspecies couple like a human and a furry dating can't adopt human orphans either.

Human orphans only stay one- or two-days average since they get adopted on the spot since furries love human Children and wanted to care for one. Harold was nervous but was easily adopted by a Fox couple and was raised into a better life. Years later... He moved to a new state in the country and reaches the age of 17 and being transferred to a new high school. He misses his old friends, but his mother had a job transfer and they had to move.

Wonder what will happen next for Harold?

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