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Moaning myrtle thankfully makes no appearance when I enter her lavatory. She's probably in the prefects bathroom, I've heard she enjoys tormenting them.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and my breath comes out shaky. My eyes are an irritated pink around the grey, my pale hair is tied back, pulled away from my face, somewhat accentuating my sharp features; And I hate it, the way I look like a Malfoy, how that will always be what people see first. I slump down against the tiled wall opposite the taps, and bury my head in my hands. To think I once enjoyed the way people knew how to feel about me by my last name, never having considered that it works both ways.

The silence in the lavatory is a blessing. Time alone to think wasn't something I gave myself enough of, but I couldn't be grateful for it now as my thoughts were messier than ever.

I don't bother to move from my spot on the floor for what feels like a good long while, though I have no real idea of how long it's been. I jump when Ron swings open the door, shutting it slowly behind him. "No Myrtle then?" He observes awkwardly. I bet Hermione told him to come, he didn't wanna talk to me.

"How'd you know I was here?" I ask softly.

He shrugs calmly, stepping closer to slide himself down the wall to sit a few feet to my right. He doesn't say anything, I doubt he had any idea what to say anyway.

My eyes can't seem to leave my shoe laces. "My mother loves me you know, I know it." It's bitter, and barely above a whisper. "And Draco." Whether or not he hears me, he doesn't answer. My father probably loves me, he certainly did at some point in my life, but I didn't have the confidence to say anything more. "Sorry I ran." I felt like a coward.

"It's all right." He says stiffly. "To tell you the truth that's not what bothered me."

He meant of course the atrocious things I said about his family, I regret every rotten word. I swallow my pride and lift my chin. "I'm so sorry Ron, really."

"Me too."

I feel the sting of tears forming in my eyes so I squeeze them shut, hoping I hold it together. "You don't know what I see," Ron turns his head towards me, eyebrows furrowed. "every year, when your parents drop you off at platform nine and three-quarters." I hurry to wipe my eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"They're both there, every time. They both hold each one of you like it's the last thing they'll ever do, and tell you they'll miss you so much— and there's so many of you!" We both chuckle lightly, easing the tension. "And they wait, and wave at the train until its out of sight, every year." I spare a glance sideways to find Ron looking at the floor silently, an odd contemplative expression plaguing him.

"I suppose Lucius isn't the most affectionate?" He chimes lightly.

I nearly laugh. "I can't even remember the last time he hugged me. Not that I'm really complaining, he's a bit slimy my dad, what with the hair and all; Worst thing he passed on to Draco if you ask me."

Ron snorts at my stupid joke. "My mom still licks her finger to wipe dirt of my face every chance she gets." My eyes meet his and somehow we both smile.

"She seems wonderful."

He nods fondly. "Did you like the fudge? She'd made a fresh batch just before Hermione sent the letter."

"Wouldn't know, I didn't even get to finish reading." I shrug, thinking fondly of a woman who had no reason to, sending me her baking on Christmas. "I'm sure it was delicious."

He smiles, I think the most genuinely I've seen from him. "Hermione mentioned you play chess?"

It was absolutely delightful to learn Ron was also quite the chess fanatic. We spent far longer than intended sitting cross legged on the floor of the lavatory discussing the game's complexities, to the point where we only abandoned the conversation when moaning myrtle came shooting out of loo howling dramatically.

The moment we were away from the ghost, Ron and I eagerly made plans for a match. Seeing as discretion would be key, we settled on the room of requirement before our next DA meeting. I could help Harry and Hermione practice occlumency together while we played; So we did, a few times a week the four of us would be in the Room of Requirement together until the lesson started. Ron was a wonderful chess opponent, we were near evenly matched and played with vastly different styles. I found every game riveting.

"Check mate." Ron says, taking out my last pawn with his last knight. I observe the board open mouthed.

"You won?" I'd won half our games and we'd tied the other half. "I've never lost at chess before." Ron seems to share an uncertain look with Harry and Hermione sitting next to us. My smile widens uncontrollably and I extend a hand. "Good game Weasley, fantastic really." Hermione covers her grin with her hand. "Can we play again? Is there time?"

There wasn't time, but I was elated to be finally having real long matches with another lover of the game. Last week they'd recounted to me their excursion through the trap door in first year, where they'd played a life size version of the game. If it weren't for the possibility of imminent death I might've been jealous. What a treat it was to have friends like this.

Gemini Malfoy (a Harry Potter OC)Where stories live. Discover now