Chapter 14

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"Asta, will my friend be ok?" You ask as you feel you throat choke up.

"Oh sweets I'm sure he will be." She says smiling at you reassuringly. "Now I want you to come with me, you need a nice wash and some rest." Asta says as she leads you through another door.


You walk inside what looks like a bathroom, or just the bathtub part. In the center of the room, a large tub was dug into the stone ground. A dangling light hangs from the ceiling illuminating the empty tub.

"Alright then, there are soaps and wash things there on the wall shelf," Asta says pointing to a shelf carved into the stone wall holding fancy bottles, a washcloth, and other toiletries.

"And I've brought you some clean clothes and a towel," Asta says pointing to a pile of clothes and a folded towel.

"Thank you, Asta." You say as you walk over to fill the tub.

"I'll be in the other room if you need anything," Asta says and she walks out and shuts the door.

You crank the knobs and bright blue glowing water runs out and into the tub. Steam begins to rise off the water as the tub slowly fills up.

You remove your dirt-encrusted clothing and walk over to the shelf. You take some bottles and set them by the edge of the tub. Then you take a hairbrush from the shelf and begin to brush through your hair.

You step into the tub and let the hot water wrap around your sore and dirty self. You dunk your head under and float on your back with your eyes closed.

After soaking a bit you wash and rinse yourself. When you've finished you walk out of the tub and drain it. You dry yourself with the towel and then go to put the clothes on.

Even though you're in a dwarf city, they've still provided you with clothes that fit. You pull on a long red tunic with short sleeves and matching pants. You then tie your waist with a brown belt and put on the brown flats they provided.

You dry your hair with a towel and leave it down on your back. You walk back to Asta and see her sitting in a chair sewing a shirt.

"Ahh! How do you feel Y/N?" She asks kindly.

"Better." You say smiling.

"I'm sure you're tired though, I can take you to your room," Asta says as she stands up.

"Um actually, is it alright if I see my friend first?" You ask her.

"Alright then." She says as she opens the door.

You follow her to the room across the hallway. Asta knocks on the door and opens it cautiously.

"Can she come in?" Asta asks.

"Yea she can." A male dwarf says as Asta opens the door and lets you in.

You walk into a room that's the same as the one you were in. Except that in the cot of this room lies a bandaged and unconscious V.

You run to the side of his bed and look down at him sadly.

"Is he alright?" You ask nervously to the male dwarf.

"Yes, he'll be fine." He answers.

You look at the sleeping V and hold his hand gently. You then remember that V is under a spell. You turn to Asta and the male dwarf and say, "V is under a love spell, is there any way you can fix him?"

Asta and the male dwarf look at you surprised. "He is?" Asta asks.

"Yes, two mischievous little brownies put it on him when we were sleeping. The reason he got hurt was that the spell made him run at the ogre's to try and defeat them and keep me safe." You say laughing a little.

"Oh, dear." The male dwarf says smiling. "Well let me see what I can do." He says as he turns and walks out of the room.

You let go of V's hand and walk over to Asta. "Can I sleep now?" You ask yawning.

"Of course, right this way." She says smiling, as she leads you out of Vs room and down the hallway to another room.

You thank her and walk inside. In the room a bed sits in the corner, a dangling light hangs from the rounded ceiling, and a small bathroom attaches to the room.

Your bag has been delivered and hangs from the bedpost.

You walk over to the bed and flop down exhausted. The soft pillows and blankets cushion you so nicely after the hard ground and hay, that you fall asleep instantly.

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