Prologue: The Docks and Food Fight

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Ruby was shot down, and Penny headed off to help her out. Penny used her swords to grabble on a nearby airship, and she pulled it off course. Ruby then got up, and she went to help, but felt something crawl up her leg, and then up her stomach, and into her chest. She panted, and then fainted.




Ruby woke up with a headache, and she looked around and found herself in the dorm, and she saw that her eat was looking at her with worry. "Ruby, you're a wake!" cried Yang, as she hugged her little sister. Ruby returned the hug, and said, "Yang, what happened?" "Well, we found you unconscious at the docks on the roof, and Weiss and Blake made up, and Weiss now trusts Blake, even if she did lie." "And what about Penny?" asked Ruby. "We don't know," said Weiss, until her scroll rang. She answered and said, "Hello?...... Oh, General, is something you need?........ Oh, she's with her father now?....... Thank you, Ruby was worried about her....... I'll tell her right now......... thank you." Weiss hung up, and said, "Penny was found by her father. He wasn't happy that she wondered off, but happy she was safe." "Oh," said Ruby, "Do you think we'll see her again?" "I don't know," said Yang.

The next morning, Ruby was at her usual table with her team. "Ahem, friends, sisters, Weiss (Hey!) I have an announcement. Four score and ten minutes ago, I had a dream." "This will be good," said Yang, as she caught a grape from Nora. "A dream that we would come together as a team and have the best day ever!" "Did you steal my binder?" asked Weiss. "I am not a crook," replied Ruby. "Food." "GAUH!" cried Ruby, and she looked around. "Something up Rubes?" asked Yang. "Yeah, I just, thought I heard something." "Now." "EEP!" Ruby was now walking towards the buffet, and came back with a huge variety of food, from cookies, pancakes, waffles, cereal, and much sausage and bacon. "Ruby, are you okay?" asked Blake. "Yeah, just hungry," said Ruby, as she scarfed down the food. "Is this normal?" asked Weiss. "No, this is new," said Yang. "Sorry guys," said Ruby, "Anyway, you have questions? about my announcement, not just now." "Well, what are you talking about?" asked Blake. "I mean starting the semester off with a Bang!" said Ruby. "Really?" asked Yang, "I always start my semesters off with a Yang! Huh, Huh?" Nora then booed and threw an apple at her. "C'mon guys," said Ruby, "Classes start back up next week, and I want to spend the whole day with my team." Yang then threw another apple back at Nora, and hit her in the head. "I don't know," said Blake, "I might pass on this one." "Well," said Weiss, as Yang motioned Nora to stop, "I for one think that we should spend the day was a t..." She never finished, as a pie hit her in the face. The others looked at Team JNPR, and they pointed to Nora, as Nora pointed to Ren, and Ren sighed. 

Soon, students then ran out of the dining hall in panic. Nora was on top of a fortress of tables chanting, "I'm Queen of the Castle! I'm Queen of the Castle!" Ruby then slammed her foot on a table and said "JUSTICE WILL BE SWIFT! JUSTICE WILL BE PAINFUL!" She then crushed a milk carton and said, "IT WILL BE DELICIOUS!!" "YEAH!!" yelled the rest of her team. "YES!!!" cried the voice. Yang was fighting Nora with Turkey Gauntlets, and Nora with a Watermelon Hammer. Weiss was sword playing with Pyrrha. Yang then took on Ren, and Yang punched Ren to the wall, and Nora punched her into the ceiling. Soon, Ruby used her semblance to pick up JNPR towards the wall. "I love these guys," said Sun. Neptune was covered in purple juices. Just then, Professor Goodwitch came in and cleaned up everything with her semblance. "Children," she said sternly, "please do not play with your food." Nora then let out a loud burp and Yang fell through the ceiling again, and they all laughed. "Let it go Glynda," said Ozpin, who joined Glynda as she finished cleaning. "They're supposed to be the next defenders of the world," complained Professor Goodwitch "I know," said Ozpin, "but they're just children right now, so why not let them play the part. Besides, it's not going to be a role that they will play forever."

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