Chapter 7: Family Brawl

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Ruby followed Weiss into the court yard where the ship was landing. "Weiss!" cried Ruby, "What's the big deal? Who is it?" Weiss responded with only one word, "Winter." "Oh no," said Ruby. "WINTER!!" cried Weiss, and the three then ran up to her. "Winter!" said Weiss, "I'm so happy to see you! Oh, your presence honor's us." She then bowed in front of Winter. Winter walked towards the group and said, "Beacon, it's been a long time. The air feels..." She then laid eyes on Ruby. "Weiss, get behind me." Venom then said, "She's probably still pissed at us kicking her ass earlier." "You kicked her butt," said Ruby, "I had no part in that!" "Hands in the air. You have the right to remain silent," said Winter. "And why?" asked Ruby. "You're under arrest for breaking into an Atlesian Airship and illegally interrogating a prisoner." Venom then came out, and said, "Well, you can kindly go fuck yourself." Winter then launched herself at Venom. Venom then grabbed her sword, and kicked Winter into a pillar. Just then, Venom was hit by something from behind. He turned to see Qrow. "Qrow Branwen," said Venom, "Long time no see." "Do we know each other?" asked Qrow. Venom then grabbed Crescent Rose, and said, "Since the early days of Team STRQ." Venom then swung Crescent Rose, blocking his bullets. Venom then used Winter to hit Qrow. The two then launched themselves, only for Venom to jump up, and them crash into each other. Venom then landed, and said, "Now, Irondick, stop doing this, unless you want to disgrace your kingdom." Ironwood was steamed, until Ozpin said, "Now now, everyone. There is a sanctioned fight happening at the colosseum that I can assure you has better seats. And popcorn." "Break it up everyone," said Glynda, "We will take care of this mess." Venom then said, "Sorry about that Qrow. Not to you Ice Bitch Senior." "Again, do I know you?" asked Qrow, only to watch Venom retract, and reveal Ruby. Qrow looked at Ruby wide eyed, and Ruby said, "Surprise." "Ruby, what was that? A pa-" "NONONONONO!!!" said Ruby, "He hates being called a parasite." "He?" asked Qrow. "Venom, he was meant to kill my mom, but instead defended her." "What is he?" asked Qrow. "Qrow, Miss Rose, in my office please," said Ozpin.

In Ozpin's office, Venom came out in a tendril, and Winter gave him a scolding. "What were you thinking!?" complained Winter. "If you were one of my men, I'd have you shot!" said Ironwood. "Watch it Irondick," said Venom, "Or else you'll find your head in my digestion." "General, Ironwood to you!" said Winter. "You want another beat down, you bitch?" asked Venom, "That's twice you have tried to arrest Ruby just because she's got a Creature of Grimm as a guardian." "Wait, you're a Grimm?" asked Qrow. "It's a long story," said Ruby. "While I wouldn't condone this behavior, retaliating like you did certainly didn't help the situation." "He's a monster!" "Again, Ice Bitch Senior," said Venom. "Why senior?" asked Qrow. "Her sister is Ice Bitch Jr." "Heh," said Qrow. "Enough!" said Glynda. "Now, Miss Rose, please tell Qrow how you got roped into this," asked Ozpin kindly. "Wait, roped into this?" asked Qrow. "Salem," said Venom, "Her team was a part of this since the day she was born." "Now, Qrow, why are you here?" asked Ozpin. "You've been out of contact for weeks!" said Ironwood, "You can't go dark on the field like that!" "I'm not one of your special operatives Jimmy!" said Qrow. "General," scolded Winter. "Whatever," said Qrow, "You told me to get intel on out enemy, and I'm telling you that our enemy is here." "Cinder Fall, the one who attacked the Fall Maiden," said Venom. "What?" asked Qrow. "I know everything. Salem created me herself." "We also know that our enemy is her Qrow," said Ironwood. "Oh!" said Qrow with irritation, "Oh you know! Well, thank goodness that I'm out there risking my life to keep you all informed!" Ironwood sighed, "Qrow!" "Communication's a two way street pal!" Qrow then took out his Scroll and said, "See this? That's the SEND button!" "They had reason to assume you've been compromised," said Winter. "And I have reason to assume you don't need to be here! Seriously, who invited her!?" The ticking of the gears filled the silence until Venom said, "I can eat her to get rid of her." "NO!!" yelled Ruby, "THE RULES!!" "Fine," said Venom, disappointed. Ironwood then said, "Schnee, we will discuss this later back on my ship." "But sir," Winter protested. "Leave." ordered Ironwood. Winter then saluted and said, "Yes sir." She then gave Qrow and Venom a dark look and left in the elevator. "I actually kind of like her," said Venom, "I feel kinky around her." Ruby sighed in embarrassment. "So, we know that the False Maiden is here, and her name," said Qrow, "despite what the world thinks, the people in this room aren't just students or teachers or generals or headmasters. The people in this room, the leaders of the other two academies, we're the one who keep the world safe from the evil no one even knows about. It's why we meet behind closed doors, why we work in the shadows. So you tell me James, when you brought your military to Vale, did you think you were being discreet, or did you just not give a damn?" "Exactly Irondick," said Venom, "What were you thinking?" "Discreet wasn't working," said Ironwood, taking out his scroll. A hologram of Vale, the colosseum, the Atlas Military and Beacon appeared. "I came here," said Ironwood, "because this is what was necessary." "You're here because Ozpin wanted you here!" argued Qrow, "He made you part of this inner circle and opened your eyes to the real fight that's going on right in front of us!" "And I am grateful." "Oh, well, you really got a funny way of showing it." "The people of vale needed someone to protect them, someone who would act. When they look to the sky, and they see my army, they feel safe, and our enemies feel our strength." Venom looked unimpressed, and said, "You're a complete dumbass. Salem is not scared of anything! You think ships like this will scare her?!? She doesn't feel fear, SHE is fear." "And fear brings the Grimm," said Ozpin, "A guardian is a symbol of comfort. But an army is a symbol of conflict. There's an energy in the air now, a question in the back of people's minds: If this is the size of our defenses, then what are we expecting to fight?" Everyone then looked at Ironwood in disappointment. The general then picked up his scroll and asked, "So then, what do you suggest we do?" "I suggest we find our guardian," replied Ozpin. "I say we track down everyone involved, bite all their heads off and pile them up in a room," said Venom. "Why would we even do that!?!" asked Ruby. "Pile of bodies, pile of heads," said Venom. "You're so disgusting," said Ruby.

"And you're sure it was him?" asked Cinder. Mercury had seen the fight between Qrow, Venom and Winter and ran to tell Cinder and Emerald. "Bad hair, used a scythe and smelled like my dad after a long day," replied Mercury, "There was also a third player: fully black, white vanes along the body, glossy white eyes razor teeth, and a deep voice." "What?" asked Cinder. "I thought it was a Grimm, but it was thrown out when it spoke up." "What do we do?" asked Emerald. "Go to your rooms for tonight. I will prepare everything for tomorrow."

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