Chapter Two

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     We are at the area with the broken bridge. Mono will pull a part of it up, I'll run across, and catch him when he jumps. At least, that's what happens in the game. I walk up to the edge of the bridge and look down, I see no bottom. I shudder think if I drop Mono he's dead, but I will never drop him. "Hey Jay, I think maybe I can move something with this." Says Mono pointing to the rope he has to pull. I nod and he starts pulling it back. "Anything?"

     I see the part of the bridge I'll run across is lifting up. "Yes, keep pulling!" He continues pulling until the bridge is level with the ground. I walk up to him and tell him I need a running start. I run and jump across the gap smiling as I stick the landing. I turn to see Mono standing up from falling after letting go of the rope.

     "Hey! Run towards me and jump! I'll catch you!" He hesitates for a moment. "I trusted you earlier, trust me, please." He nods and I ready myself to catch him by getting on one knee, grabbing a support pillar for the bridge, and holding out one hand. He runs and jumps, grabbing onto my hand. I grunt with his falling weight trying to pull me down, but I pull him up and he has a grateful look in his eyes which are kinda hard to see throughthe holes. We walk past some cages piled against a tree and one hanging up.

     In the game you can find a rain hat in it. I don't want to test to see if it's in there because of the decaying child inside. We walk forward and I see a box up ahead. I look to my left and sure enough I can see the Hunter's light through some trees.
     We come to a small drop off and I realize in the game the Hunter never shoots at Six, just Mono. So I should in theory be safe. I look at Mono and I make a running motion with two fingers. He gets the message and we both start running for the small shack that will lead to the slimy, disgusting, swamp. We run past a box with a crow on it and the crow flies up cawing, alerting the Hunter.

     He starts shooting and I start climbing up the boards. I make it inside and across a wooden plank while I here shots outside. I hope Mono is safe. He crawls through the gap and runs across the plank only for it to break underneath him. I knew this was coming so I grab his hand and pull him up while the Hunter shoots the floor right beside us.

     Me and Mono start running dodging bullets and holes in the floor. I jump through the window and slide down the tin roof into the swamp. Mono splashes down beside me and we hide under the dock at the Hunter busts through the door leading here. We wait for the Hunter to shamble off before wading towards to other side of this small section of the swamp. We duck under a board and when I come back up I can feel the sludge on my face.

     "Disgusting." I mutter. It also stinks, like a sewer that's been baking in the sun for all summer. We make it behind a stump of a tree and I can see the Hunter's lantern shining on the sludge. When he moves his lantern Mono wades forward and when it swings back around he ducks under before reappearing behind another stump.
     I do the same thing and the Hunter shambles off leaving it clear for us to wade towards the small path of land with the broken tree that we have to push over. I feel bad because it has a lover's heart on it. Me and Mono climb up onto the patch of land and push over the tree gaining the Hunter's attention. We jump into the sludge behind the tree before he can shoot. We reach the end of the tree and Mono ducks under the sludge and reappears behind a tree stump not too far away.

     I wade forward and duck under when I see the Hunter's light heading my way. When I come back up I'm in front of Mono. He looks down at me still in the sludge and holds out a hand. I take it and he helps me out of the sludge. I take the hem of my T-shirt and wipe my face on it, when I'm done I see I've left a puke green smear across the black fabric. Of course,, the fabric is also covered in sludge. Better on the shirt then my face.

     Me and Mono climb up the boards that are ladder like; scaring crows as we near the top. We reach the edge if our small cliff thing and I see two boxes we can duck behind before running into the shed with the shotgun we kill the Hunter with. I grab Mono's hand as we jump down. We start running and scare some crows before ducking behind the first box. It explodes and we run, ducking behind the next box. That one explodes and we run into the shed.

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