Chapter Five

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I hear The Teacher shove the frog into the jar and wait for her to walk a bit away before I creep to the table in the middle of the room. She grabs a few things and places them on the counter in front of her. She pulls a knife out of the drawer, and exits the room. I creep over to the door and silently watch as she walks to the anatomy dummy. I creep over to the table behind the door and wait. As she's examining the, hopefully, fake organs she's going to put into the anatomy dummy I climb the drawers.

I creep behind some jars as she's placing what looks like the liver into the dummy. The Teacher grabs the heart, and starts shoving it into the chest cavity with some sick squelching sounds.

Definitely not fake.

As she's distracted I creep behind some more jars at the end of the table. When she's done, she grabs her knife and walks over to the kitchenette, giving me the chance to creep behind the jars at the other end of the table. She walks over to her chalkboard and starts writing something. I jump across the gap and land silently on the other table. I hold back a grunt as my stomach protests. The Teacher walks back to the kitchenette, grabs something from a cupboard, and starts messing with it.

I walk across the table and jump towards the window in the room. I grab the ledge and pull myself through. Landing silently on the bench thing on the other side. As silently as I can, I walk over to the bookcase and climb up it. Heading towards the vent. I crawl into the vent and sit down for a second.

I'm in so much pain.

I close my eyes, trying to rest quickly.

Don't fall asleep, you might pass out and die from blood loss.

My eyes fly open and I continue forward. I crawl forward, almost falling down the shoot I forgot was there. I jump down and grab onto on of the ladder rungs, pulling at my wound again.

Damn it. I need a break.

I drop the rest of the way down I silently crawl through the vent grate ahead.

The hardest area.

There's a hammer and a suitcase in front of me. I hear a Bully drawing with chalk up ahead. I grab the handle of the hammer and creep forward dragging it behind me. At the last second I remember there's a trap you trigger while walking over it. I divert my path towards the second Bully, who's staring at a locker.

I trip the trap, killing the first Bully. The second one charges at me and I swing the hammer over my shoulder, smashing his head in. Another girl charges at me and I smash her skull in too. I walk down the hallway of lockers and hear the girl Bully jump down from her perch. I swing the hammer at her and turn around to smash the other Bullies head in but he jumps me.

I get knocked to the ground and drop the hammer. The Bully who jumped me starts squeezing my throat. I try to pull his- no- it's hands off but it's too strong. Suddenly another Bully jumps the one killing me and they start fighting. Probably about which one gets to kill me. I grab the hammer and kill both of them, not giving them a chance. "All you Bullies lost your humanity a long time ago." I mutter as I drag the hammer after me. I stumble into the next hallway, my stomach really hurting.

A locker flies open behind me and I turn around, smashing in another Bully's face. I drag myself and the hammer towards the bathroom and trip the trap. The bucket swings through the doorway and I dash inside. I kill the two Bullies who strung up Mono and break the board holding him.

He falls onto some papers on the floor, I drop the hammer, swaying slightly. Mono races up to me. "Are you okay?" He askes, looking me in the eyes.

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