Chapter 13- The Dance

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Bobby sat there blubbering. I didn't understand most of it, just caught words like "Impossible," "How," and words that are not rated PG. I gave him a once over, noticing everything different.

"You didn't age well." I smirked. 

"Y-you didn't age a-t-t all." He stammered, getting somewhat of a grip on himself.

"And he observes." I say sarcastically. Even after all this time, I still had anger towards him. I don't understand why, but it just stays there. Never going away.

"How are you, why are you?" He stood up, looking down at me.

"And we're back to half sentences. What are you, a first grader?" He glared at me, which I returned with a huge grin. I missed poking fun at him. I shook out the feelings. Alex was right. Bobby did look like a hippie substitute teacher. 

"What is going on." His tone was stern and rough. Like he had authority over me. Before I knew it, I reached up and slapped him. I smiled in victory as he shut up, holding his face in shock.

"Don't act like you have any sort of power over me. Take a guess buddy. It'll get through your thick skull eventually."

"Are you?" Instead of saying the word, he motioned a slit throat. I groaned, turning my back to him and taking a few steps away. 

"Yes, and actually always have been, but that's a story for another day. I'm just here to tell you that you are an ass, and I can see where you're daughter gets it."

"My daughter?" He asks in confusion. I turn back towards him and cross my arms.

"Yes Carrie. She's the kind of person we always hated. Let me guess, gets it from that redhead?" He just nods, looking down at the ground. I started to feel bad. I was throwing all of this at him, and for what? Suspicious circumstances? I shook it away. Just wrap it up and get out of here before the boys come in. "Look. I'll be back okay. I'll explain and apologize for everything later. But just know, that thing you did to your bandmates? I thought you were better then that." With that I made myself invisible to him again. I watched him stand there for a few seconds, rubbing his eyes in disbelief. He took in a deep breath and sat back down, continuing the meditation I interrupted. I heard a small noise and looked over to see Luke walk through the door. I poofed out as quickly as possible, praying that he didn't see me. 


I landed in the studio, enjoying the peace and quiet. I sat down on the piano, plunking out different notes from the song I'd written earlier, but my head was reeling inside. All the emotions That I've bottled up came rushing back. I guess this whole songwriting thing was catching on. I mean I wrote songs before, but not easily.  I hummed to myself as I grabbed my note book, writing down anything and everything that came to my mind. 

I lost track of time the opening of the studio door startling me. I looked up to see Julie and Flynn walking in. 

"Cami?" Julie called out. I opened my mouth to say here, before realizing I wasn't visible. Thinking quickly I poofed up to the loft. I turned visible, popping my head out from the top.

"Hey?" She looked up and gave me sad smile. I climbed down, giving her a concerned look.

"Soo what's the verdict?" I asked cautiously. Julie sighed. 

"They're angry, and while I don't blame them, I'm worried about what they might do about it." 

"Well there's only one thing that can be done about it. Get dressed and go to the dance. 1 live performance with you all there will be enough to convince them to leave their past behind." Flynn said, laying a hand on  Julie's shoulder. 

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