Cast/ Prologue

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Camilla (Cam/ Cami) Covington- Sabrina Carpenter

Caleb Covington- Cheyenne Jackson

Julie Molina- Madison Reyes

Luke Patterson- Charlie Gillespie

Alex Mercer- Owen Joyner

Reginald (Reggie) Peters - Jeremy Shada

William (Willie) -Booboo Stewart

Jackson Ace- Thomas Doherty

Noah Wallace- Gus Kamp


July 4th, 1929

The crowd stands up in applause.

They all thought it was part of the act.

I felt a hand cover my eyes, my mother screaming behind me.

I struggled against her hold, wanting to know what was happening.

But she just held me close, her tears falling onto my head as the cheers turned into screams of horror.

I didn't understand what was happening, my father was up there performing one of his famous magic acts. 

Why were people scared? 

I felt myself being carried out of the theater, my eyes still covered.

I couldn't see anything until we were in the taxi.

When we got to my house my mother made me go to bed instantly.

My father never came home.

July 4th, 1930

Today was supposed to be a holiday. 

Other families were out celebrating, while mine huddled around a large grave stone.

Despite it being summer, there was still a chill in the air, making me stay close to my mother.

I didn't want to be here. 

I didn't want to be reminded of what happened a year ago.

I wanted to pretend it didn't happen, that it was always just me and my mom.

I never found out what went wrong.

I didn't know what killed him, or why it did.

No one wanted to tell me. 

I was just too young to understand.

And they were too old to know how to help me.

July 4th, 1939

I walked to the cemetery alone. 

Most of my relatives either died or stopped caring.

My mother was too drunk to handle anything, and any money we made went to her buying alcohol spending time with a different guy each night. She called it "paying the bills", I called it disgusting. I wouldn't care as much if it actually payed the bills. Instead we were one missed payment from being thrown out on the streets.

For once the night seemed calm. It was the perfect temperature, and with no clouds in the sky, the moon lit up each grave. It should have put me on edge, but I felt safe. Like he was watching over me.

I made it to my father's grave, suddenly getting a chill. I pull my sweater over my chest, crossing my arms. Ten years later, and it seemed like I missed him more then ever. I was the only girl at my school without a father, which many people disapproved of. It wasn't proper for a woman to raise a child by themselves, especially with they way she did it. I collapsed onto the ground, hugging my knees to my chest. I didn't care if it was un-lady like, or if it would get my skirt dirty. I didn't care anymore.

"I'm sorry." I said, letting out a small sob. "I feel like I should have tried harder, maybe then things would be better." I sniffle a little, shivering. "I don't know what to do. I can't go on like this much longer. It's not like I have much of a future. No one wants to marry a girl who was raised improperly." I felt myself getting louder, as I got angrier at my mother and myself. And at my father. "Why did you have to leave us." I yell. "This is your fault." I curled up closer, breathing heavily as I cried harder. "I wish I could just leave." I whisper to myself, wiping the tears and the snot off of my face.

"I may have an offer." I stand up quickly and turn around at the sound of a deep voice. I tried to dust myself off before looking up and screaming. In front of me was my father, in a suit and tall hat. I tried to walk backwards, but was stopped by a gravestone. His gravestone. My father's. Who was dead.

"Who are you?" I whispered, my heart racing.

"I would think my own daughter would know me."

"N-no-no-no." I turn a little and look at the gravestone, making sure it said my father's name. "You're dead. Gone. You died ten years ago." I looked back at the man, my eyes wide.

"Yes, I did die." He smiled as he looked me up and down. "Look how big you've gotten." He tried to reach out to me, making me take another step away from him. He took his hands away, curling them into fists, giving me a tight smile.

"I'm either dreaming or dead. Which is it?" I question, maintaining a distance from him.

"Neither. You are alive, and I am merely a ghost."

"Ghosts don't exist."

"Ah, but they do." He smiles, taking a small step towards me. I don't move, but I make myself ready to run. "And let me tell you, the other side opens so many new possibilities. New magic. New power."  I grimace a little as he gets a little bit of a evil grin. He shakes it off and gives me another welcoming one. "What I'm trying to say Camilla, is that I'm giving you an opportunity to take a chance, to change things." I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. Up to this point, I didn't trust him. But hearing him say my name brought back memories of when I was younger.

"What is your offer?" I ask cautiously. He smiles and takes another step closer to me.

"I heard what you said, there is nothing left for you, as long as you're alive." I felt tears prick the back of my eyes. I knew that, but hearing him say that just made it seem even more real, like there was no hope left. "But, if you come with me, I can show you a whole new side of Hollywood. We could create something together. You can be royalty. You could have whatever you want." I took a deep breath, looking up at my father.

"Are you asking me to end my life?"

"No, you are not ending your life, you're only going to start it." I give him a tight smile and nod.

"Okay. I'll do it." He nodded.

"Here, it'll be quick." My eyes widened as he handed me a cyanide pill. Sucking in a deep breath, I put it into my mouth and bit down. I felt myself crumble and hit the ground hard. Pain courses through me, as my father holds onto my arm. I let out loud gasps, trying to breath. My vision was blurry, but I could still see the pain in his face as he watched me die. It seemed like it was forever before my body finally stopped.

It was weird standing in front of my body, looking down at it. After I stood there looking at myself for a minute, I glared at my father. 

"That wasn't quick and painless."

"I'm sorry, It was what I access too." He pulled me into a hug, which I immediately melted into. It was nice getting a hug from him after 10 years. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as he rested his head on my. "You are my little princess. I would do anything for you." I smile and let out a small cry.

"Thank you." I whispered. We stayed like that for another minute before he pulled away, resting his hands on my shoulders and looking down at me.

"Now, we have some work to do." He smiled at me, which I returned. Things were going to get better.


Okay, so I know Caleb is a bad guy, and he still is going to be in this story. I tried to make him seem a little power hungry, But I also wanted to give him a weakness, aka Camilla. Also, who should Camilla fall for? Reggie, Luke, no one, Or someone else? Lmk. I also have a few other stories possibly in the works...

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